Words Only


Words ONLY. Letters too I guess. Talk about whatever you want. Just no dirty, stinking, good for nothing embeds of any kind. No vids. No pods. No pics. No frames. Use your words, friendo.

Find any good words lately?
I haven't got everything I love, but I love everything I have got♥️
Mankind invented the atom bomb, But no mouse would construct a mousetrap.

Albert Einsten.

Quote accurately predicts the Sad truth about the inhumane society that we live in
Word of the Day

extirpate (v). - to destroy or completely remove

Synonyms: uproot, abolish, eliminate, expunge

Example: "One of the most pathetic of human fallacies is the assumption that you have only to pass a law in order to extirpate an evil." (source: W.T. Stead)
I want a great word.
Recommend me some cool words.
My Mirror: you look cute
My Camera: what's up potato
One of the perks of traveling is how it reminds you to appreciate home even more. Strange how you need to leave to remember the value of staying.
Gn only-words😆😆
I hope we find the ending we deserve after all we’ve been through
/words-only friends, come check out my friend and fiction author @kentb ‘s new cozy channel focused on /allthingsfiction !

here he talks about a story’s opening setting the tone. what are your favorite story openings? pls reply in the quoted cast

feel free to join this channel as it has open membership (link below channel banner)
effort creates action. action creates results
Hiiii everyone good evening 🥰🥰
I hate interacting but i'm so talkative when it comes to people i'm comfortable with.
whatever the opposite of liminal is a word i want to know
I dreamed of the word Unichain once
Find any good words lately?
Pika pika, Pikachu in the zoo, With a peek at you, Pikachu flew.
Sunday fading like a footprint in a muddy Monday puddle.
“everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact.

everything we see is a perspective, not the truth.”
Having someone you can open up to without being judged is such a blessing
I saw a post today that said,

"when you finally learn your place in people's lives, your feelings won't get hurt"

and I swear that's the truth and one of the most important life lesson you will learn. Whether it's family, friends, or whoever.
less bots but also less engagement overall