Mike | Abundance

@abundance #9326

Working on /impact || Abundance Economy book: book.abundance.id
1402 Follower 272 Following
Only 500?? What are people waiting for??
Congrats Kiki!! 🍾 You're the greatest!! 💚🎈💚
"A maniacal sense of urgency is our operating principle" - without googling, who said that?
Sometimes I wonder if there is an actual deck slide that unscrupulous web3 projects present to VCs about the expected time (in months) it would take the average user to figure out that the project's complex mechanism is just a front for a money grab, and that they're the exit liquidity
What do you like about /impact? what can we do better?
It's not about the tips. Think bigger
🌟 /impact curators Day 22 $degen rewards are out!!

2000 $degen to @artstudio48
1500 $degen to @altagers.eth
1000 $degen to @jacque
1000 $degen to @mehdi-benembarek
1000 $degen to @squishna

Let's keep sharing our /impact multi-tipping frames 💪
Unlike most people, I believe that blockchain technology is far more important to society than AI. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not saying that AI isn’t important. But here’s a useful way to think about it: if AI were a new computer chip that’s 10x faster than the previous generation (allowing us to do all sorts of incredibly cool shit), blockchain technology in this analogy would be a discovery in semiconductor properties that enables us to reinvent CPUs from the ground up.

In other words, blockchain technology is a deeper advancement in our technological stack; it represents a change in what we can do with money, a fundamental building block of complex societies.

But because this change is so profound, it takes time for people to understand its implications, and even longer to apply the tech in ways that significantly impact people's lives. Almost 16 years after the first block was mined and we have barely begun this process.
Curate content that others would want to reward 💪
Can we make this the next face of Degen?? 👀 🎩
I just multi-tipped @nfthreat's curation of builders & creators thru /impact.

Support @nfthreat's nominees here:
🌟 /impact curators Day 21 $degen rewards are out!!

2000 $degen to @altagers.eth
1500 $degen to @jacque
1000 $degen to @classeart.eth
1000 $degen to @nfthreat
1000 $degen to @artstudio48

Reminder that the focus for the rewards this week is sharing your multi-tip frames, especially tipping other curators' picks
Yes, curators on /impact automatically get 10% of the tip for their effort to proactively look for and boost great content on Farcaster

For the curation page - Option 1: https://impact.abundance.id/~/ecosystems/abundance/curator
Option 2: check a curator you like from a frame they share or from @impactbot's replies. Go to Menu > Explore Curation to open Mini-app.

⭐ Is the impact of the content
💎 is the qDAU points (up/downvoting)

Auto-tip now only goes out 10 times in a season, so will not trigger degen rug by itself.
Reminder that when you auto-tip thru /impact, 90% of your remaining allowances goes to creators and builders for their impact on Farcaster and 10% goes to curators for their work.

Don't let your allowance go to waste!!
Shipped on /impact:
- you can now add (or remove) curators to your auto-tip directly in the mini-app (as you check their curation picks)
You can’t expect those struggling to get by to think about the incentive structure behind their income. Even if the income is based on perverse incentives, extractive, or ends up harming the common good, can you expect those trying to feed their family to worry about such abstract notions? They just don't have that luxury.

But then what happens when people start “making it"? The more successful they become the more they associate their success with the incentive structure itself. They focus on their personal gain and downplay harms to others.

Until they get to the top of the pyramid. There they have a lot of power and sway but they also the most to gain from keeping this as they are.

So no matter where you are in this system, it’s very hard to step outside of your own experience and dispassionately evaluate this system.

It doesn’t even matter that we’re on a dystopian trajectory. Most people still either have little power or little interest to build something better.

And yet, build we must.
I'll say this louder for those in the back:

*clears throat*

I believe in communities self-moderating bc I believe in an open internet that doesn't require gatekeepers. Without that we can all just go back to web2
Do what works for you. ignore the noise.
Epoch 5 is live?! 👀
What are the most impactful projects we should contribute to?
People competing over FC's $5 USDC. Meanwhile /impact is giving out $10s & $20s every day 👀
Great job Kiki! This is really what /impact is trying to do - at scale 💪
/impact curators Day 20 $degen rewards are out:

2000 $degen to @altagers.eth
1500 $degen to @jacque
1000 $degen to @artstudio48
1000 $degen to @thompson
1000 $degen to @classeart.eth

...and extra 2000 $degen to @artstudio48 for topping the curator leaderboard 🍾 🎉 🥳 🎈
What would happen if Toyota decided to sell cars denominated in its own stock instead of in fiat currency?

A smart investor would notice the following: since the value of the company (and therefore its stock price) depends on revenue from selling cars, if the price of the stock goes up there would be fewer people willing to pay the extra money. But if the price of the stock goes down, more people would be buying cars. Since Toyota still has production costs which it pays in fiat, at some point it would have to produce cars at a loss.

A winning trading strategy would therefore be to short the stock, which would drive more people to buy cars at lower prices until Toyota either goes bankrupt or abandons its original policy.

This is why no company sells products denominated in company stocks. And yet, for whatever reason, it is the norm for projects to sell products denominated in tokens that are supposed to appreciate in value. Any wonder then that we're not taken seriously as an industry?
I just multi-tipped @altagers.eth's curation of builders & creators thru /impact.

Support @altagers.eth's nominees here:
Yes. It should go to the nominated cast, even if it's from 3 months ago. Getting a lot of comments about that and will reconsider the UX.

Point was to make sure if a user creates value for the ecosystem they know their contribution is valued, instead of being forced to live in the "perpetual now"
🌟 /impact Day 19 rewards are out!

2000 $degen to @artstudio48
1500 $degen to @squishna
1000 $degen to @jacque
1000 $degen to @nfthreat
1000 $degen to @charoa

📣 Next week we continue to focus on sharing your /impact frames, especially multi-tipping other curator's nominations