
@amosnena #523720

Passionate about decentralization, privacy and technological innovation, along with the pleasures of nature. I love to immortalize moments with photographs
505 Follower 641 Following
I already have in my possession the first PFP of this extraordinary collection of Dystocast created by @pablofb.eth

Impatient to reveal it 🤩
This is the 🔓 status 🔒 of my token portfolio and MoxiePower Ⓜ️, frame by @jhonc.eth.
Waiting for $degen to be listed on coinbase be like
🦋🦋🦋To all those who sometimes feel their actions don’t matter: the butterfly effect reminds us that even the smallest gesture has the power to change lives. Just like a blue butterfly soaring over the sea, everything you do—every word, every act of kindness—can echo in ways you never imagined. What seems insignificant today might be the start of a transformation for the world tomorrow
This frame by @push- and the butterflies is overloaded with positivity.

You don't believe me?
Just click on '🦋 Effect' and see for yourself.
📍Kampaoh, Santillana del Mar

Camping in Kampaoh was an absolutely magical experience for me. When I arrived, I was greeted by the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen.

My tent was perfectly located, and the soft lights that decorated it gave it a special and cozy touch, as if it were in a small dream hiding place. Sitting at the picnic table in front of my tent, I felt an incredible sense of peace, with the soft sound of the waves and the pure smell of nature around me.

At night, I lay down under the sky full of stars. It seemed that time had stopped, and I was completely present, without haste or worries, only the beauty of the moment that surrounded me.
hihi I just boosted my FarScore by 0.014852 by locking 100 /buildingbears channel's Fan Tokens with MoxiePower!
cc @betashop.eth
📊 ¿Sabías que el 58,94% del suministro total de Bitcoin está en manos de individuos? Esto refuerza la descentralización de Bitcoin, donde los usuarios individuales juegan un papel clave en la tenencia y el control de este activo digital.

Una proporción significativa circula activamente en exchanges (11,1%) y en fondos de inversión (5,21%), lo que refleja la creciente importancia de estos intermediarios para facilitar el comercio y la inversión en criptomonedas

Gobiernos 🟦 (2,52% - 519.952 BTC): Algunos países están acumulando Bitcoin en sus reservas. Aunque esta cifra aún es pequeña, su crecimiento puede indicar un interés creciente de los gobiernos por incluir criptoactivos en sus balances
Are you doing a good job? Here I leave you the frame so you can check it

Frame by @nikolaiii 🚀
I'm exploring new applications every day, looking for tools that help me expand my creativity. It's exciting to discover how each platform offers me a new way to express myself! What do you think @alexescd.eth and @anvida ?

After a rainy day, I look at the sky and see the sun's rays passing through the clouds
hihi I just boosted my FarScore by 0.007013 by locking 2 /web3appdev channel's Fan Tokens with MoxiePower!
cc @betashop.eth