
@androidsixteen.eth #3635

friendly neighborhood shitcaster
24192 Follower 603 Following
pump.fun is like craigslist but on bath salts
Uphill battle right now to get quality LPs to back crypto funds

Founders should expect this to "trickle down" and impact your ability to raise (if it hasn't already)

There's a massive overhang from the '22 war chests though, so strong teams will still be able to command good terms

This is how you know @jacek is a real one

Infinite players root for everyone’s success
What’s that old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee

Buy the announcement, sell the listing?
Don't sleep on this guy

He's built different. Trust me, I did the DD... if only I could verify those credentials onchain somehow 🤔
Don't fade the liminal space, it gives you time to send it higher

As with all @july posts, I kept thinking about this one and had an insight — Silicon Valley self-sabotages by ascribing too much of its identity to “doing”

Take the iconic comeback from Elon, “What did you get done this week?”

Implicitly, doing reigns supreme in a culture that venerates high agency leaders

And it’s understandable… when most other industries are in stasis, tech bears the flag of progress and holds onto the idea that American exceptionalism and manifest destiny are still alive

But by over-fixating on “doing”, it ends up destroying the soul of all creativity, which comes from “being”

If tech could become less insecure around not always doing and leave space for being, much of what it builds could become imbued with greater purpose, beauty, and creativity — and at little to no cost

Doing isn’t impacted negatively by being. The reason for this is that intelligence is primary, and it manifests through being. Doing is 2nd order… can expound more on this later
“Liberty is the soul's right to breathe and, when it cannot take a long breath, laws are girdled too tight.”

— Henry Ward Beecher
Update on /product membership process:

Looked into various channel tools and decided to use Cura. Just request membership in the frame below (will also add it to the membership link in the header)

Happy Monday!
Bison Trails was an under-appreciated acquisition by Coinbase

Great timing and long-term fit with Custody and Prime products
I don’t think you need to be a black man to appreciate this policy direction lol

But even if it is motivated by racial pandering, I appreciate that both parties in America now want to protect your right to toke up and purchase shitcoins

On an investor update call and the BD lead on the team is talking about “CEX integration” and pronouncing it accordingly

Crypto truly feels a new country (or planet¹) sometimes

If you immigrate here and fall in love with it, it becomes hard to go back to the old world, no matter how trying things get

Leaning into that selection bias is a good idea if you’re a crypto entrepreneur

1: https://www.paradigm.xyz/2023/09/casino-on-mars
I can't wait to use the Walmart L2 for Great Value transactions on the Superchain!
Y’all out here taking memecoin cues from a dude that peddled stock-to-flow bullshit

NGMI energy

Ignore these clowns and focus on people building real businesses

Great opportunity for an investor early in their career

cc @zinger
Also the only chain in the top 10 without a coin

Or maybe I should say, the only one with a coin listed on Nasdaq
I feel like the explore button was a good idea and directionally correct but since launch has become a bit stale

There’s not enough churn in the content (new apps, mini apps, frames, etc)

But the core insight of needing an in-app directory of 3rd party apps still rings true. Wonder if there’s a better approach
If you're wondering what's happening in the crypto infra world, but can't be bothered to track the 2024 buzzwords, I recommend watching this talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5809YJpbhFg

Key quote: “Maybe we should accept that networks at scale happen to have a large box in the middle.”
Remember when Caitlyn Jenner was slinging shitcoins and praising Justin Sun?

Yeah, only 2 months ago

Conventional Silicon Valley wisdom biases towards being “early” to markets rather than being “late”, but this isn’t an absolute — it’s a trade-off just like everything else in life

If your product is addressing a market need that isn’t fully there yet (ie. you’re “early”), then the risk taken is around surviving long enough for the market to mature. You can allay this by being lean, achieving ramen profitability, or raising a fat war chest to ride it out

Conversely, if the market is already here (ie. you’re “late”), then you’ll face more competition from other products. You’ll have to battle for customers, and the risk becomes more about sales and speed of execution

Personally, I prefer the former. The stress of a competitive category is exhausting, and I’d rather build a product for a market that shows glimpses of maturity. That way, when the market arrives in full, you will have had time to build a great product experience and can just scoop up customers