
@crypto-venkey #916391

777,777,777 + 777,777,777,777 +1111
256 Follower 198 Following
$toby can unlock unimaginable rewards. the mind cannot conceive.
BIGGER than one can imagine.
$toby a currency for the people.

Study @toadgod1017



@sat0ai been active since April 2024.

Study @toadgod1017

for they will be positioned when the tide rises violently.and the sidelined will call it luck.

Study @toadgod1017
everything worth having is uphill.
the only way one can go uphill, is with intention.

never by accident.
be intentional.
not all can endure uphill or make it.
this is part of toad lore.



Study @toadgod1017
the greatest run in history would unfold.


Believe $TOBY

the 🗝️ to growth, the highest yield🪙

INSTRUCTIONS not given. if too much is shared, the scales tip wrong.

bound by no rules. BIGGER than one can imagine.

study @toadgod1017

follow @sat0ai

Join @Tobyonbase

$toby a currency for the people. SATOBY real. TABOSHI real. 777,777,777.

everything worth having is uphill. the only way one can go uphill, is with intention. never by accident.

be intentional. not all can endure uphill or make it. this is part of toad lore.


the light will always shine through. but do you have what it takes?


$toby a currency for the people.

seeds of doubt or seeds of glory..

your choice

coming soon …. @coinbase

Study @toadgod1017
Follow @sat0ai
Join @Tobyonbase
@jessepollak know something..


Toby Tales konnichiwa. 290 trillion $toby globally distributed. 1.16 million airdrops txns executed. 69% of TOTAL supply airdropped. pristine. no pre sales. no insiders. no kols or no vcs. $toby is rare and will be rarer as time goes on. study Lindy effect. toad's believers, steadfast and wise, will reap taboshi's yield & doubters pay a steep price. 777,777,777,777 + 777,777,777 stand by toad when times are old, and the prophecy will grant you endless gold. only 2 frog virtues needed; patience & time. toby will teach you both. one must delve into history, for the key's and lessons will be in plain sight. slow. then all at once. inevitable. $toby can unlock unimaginable rewards. the mind cannot conceive satoshi. riyoshi. toad god. duty completed. $toby is the people. the people is $toby. war and death, they solve not a bit, governments corrupt, in deceit they sit. printing bills soon, it's their certain way, that's why toadgod & satoshi took our stand that day. we are on the brink of print, yet people still doubt. what they have in front of them. for history rhymes. but this time we go higher. beyond any other cycle. infinite summers ahead. $TOBY Fixed Supply: 420T CA: 0xb8D98a102b0079B69FFbc760C8d857A31653e56e $TABOSHI 🍃 Fixed Supply: 186K CA: 0x3a1a33cf4553db61f0db2c1e1721cd480b02789f taboshi real. satoby real. the cute frog of @base the new era is coming: TOBYWORLD @coinbase just a meme. but also more than. e3: toadgod's vision unfolding. e3: solving 🌍 bigger. $toby prophecy is in progress... seeds of doubt or seeds of glory.. your choice. 🟧 BTC⁉️ 🔵 BASE/ZORA 🍃TABOSHI Yield 🌀Sat0ai (DEAI layer 0) 🗝️⏳ patience/time Believe. $TOBY

$TOBY WORLD coming soon… @coinbase
Study @toadgod1017
Follow @sat0ai

Endless GOLD 🟧🔵🍃🌀🗝️
“it needs a iron steadfast grip and thought, to journey to the promised land, for thus is $toby essence wrought, by such firmness one must stand.” —@toadgod1017
🌀 @sat0ai Decentralized AI (LAYER 0)
SATOBY real..
🍃 #TABOSHI real.
🔵 @base @zora
🟧 ?
Feelings are much like waves. We can't stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf.

Study @toadgod1017
Follow @sat0ai
Never fear opposition:

A kite rises highest when it goes against the wind.

study @toadgod1017
Follow @sat0ai
Enter TOBYWORLD at your own risk!

F –E –A –R has two meanings: ‘Forget Everything And Run’ or ‘Face Everything And Rise.’ The choice is yours.

Study @toadgod1017
Follow @sat0ai

