

Discussions about space exploration and tech. Ad astra!

This view is just insane!
You aren’t allowed to attempt to understand the effects of space junk or satellites in volume, or else they screech and call you a loser and a decel. I wouldn’t talk about this on X but here where it’s safer I can admit I do find it fascinating to learn about what we know of the second order effects of space progress

One of the most interesting effects that’s posited is magnetic field weakening.
Today: Tomorrow:
Europa Clipper launches in 10 minutes!
Watch SpaceX launch a $5 billion, 35 meter wide spaceship to Jupiter to look for aliens:
Official NASA Livestream:
As incredible and groundbreaking as the Starship launch and booster catch was, it has legit competition for top spaceflight news of the week. NASA's Europa Clipper launches hopefully tomorrow morning. I should write a long post about it but:
- in the works for 50+ years, read/listen to the book The Mission to learn more
- could discover evidence of favorable conditions for life in the under-ice ocean of Europa
- will get incredible images of the surface from very close passes
- could be followed up by a lander, hopefully later by a heat-tipped probe that can melt down through many km of ice to the liquid water, release probes on tethers and explore.
Watch the launch with the Everyday Astronaut stream:
Interested to see how the SpaceX launch tower will evolve over time. That catch swing today was a close call.
I wonder what the global reserve currency of Mars will be
not a landing, not a RUD, but a secret third thing.
you could see the sonic shockwave ripple through the exhaust cloud as it came down

we counted at least three sonic booms
The Starship launch this morning changed human spaceflight forever. There's no way around it, that was absolutely mind blowing. Humans can now launch entire space stations and then catch the rocket with chopsticks on a tower and launch it again. Fuck Musk but SpaceX is incredible! What a team, they are on another level from everyone else on the planet. I wish wish wish we could take it from him and make it a worker owned cooperative. But they are just the first. Now we know it's possible.
came in at an insane angle but nailed the catch
can already tell this is going to be my fav shirt for the coming months
Chopsticks catching rockets mid air.

What world do we live in?

A software space one.
Are you not inspired, anon?
Holy shit that was amazing