@elated-pixel #19507
on Buildtree
🪙 0.005 Eth on Base⛓️
⌛ During Alotta Month until 3/31 11:59pm
50 available, 2 per wallet
100% proceeds to the WIP Meetup @niftytime.eth @rizzle
Legendary virtual vagabonds, The WIP Meetup, are 'verse hopping through 🌐 @aicmp + 🌐 @voxels
Join us! Starting👉 https://hyperfy.io/wip/~PB2s
Free *Vid + gif
Thru Alotta Month (March) ends 3/31 11:59pm
4 mints per wallet (*2 of each if u want)
Njoy, rmbr Alotta Money, and be bravely and skillfully creative.
*69 avail each (letters "Alotta" add up to that)
Nice clip regarding the late, great Alotta Money on Collectors Call Podcast feat collectoor OMZ. 👨🎨 @maxosiris ROBNESSOFFICIAL and @garycartlidge mentioned in this clip and other OGs in the full vid 🔗🎞️
@manifoldxyz /Base⛓️/USDC since I had a hunch the coins might dip. Stables aren't just for 🐴 https://app.manifold.xyz/draw/human-prompted-generative-music
https://voxels.com/play?coords=S@126E,563N No download, any device.
🔊 Full version orig song minting now on @transientlabs on Base⛓️ https://transient.xyz/mint/1st-ride-in-an-autonomous-vehicle
*Collected artists: @ernestoasch @garycartlidge ge1doot @braun bleek @normanharman
@manifoldxyz Burn 🔥🫳redeem if you wish.
https://app.manifold.xyz/c/blingzus-in-space-brrr-edition and🫳 https://app.manifold.xyz/br/blingzus-in-space-rhythm-redemption Basically 1st has lead 🎸, 2nd doesn't so the beat n bass, etc are all yours if you choose to 🔥🚒

Blingzus in Space (Brrr Edition)
When we were first introduced to Blingzus he was walking the streets of Vegas looking, uh, for sinners https://app.manifold.xyz/c/blingzus-in-vegas Now he's in Outer Space and larger than the planets. Or maybe there was somethin' in the drink he accepted from a certain sinner on The Strip. You just can't trust worldly folk. Anyway, after me trying to pitch the new ERC-7160 token standard, Blingzus frowned, waving his hand in frustration and said something about "burning". He might've been talking about me, or the people that came up with the 7160 thing. Don't know. But it gave me an idea: Burn. That's right, Burn! No, not burn like burn in hell, fraydee cat. Burn, as in Burn and Redeem. Yeah, something offered plain n easy right here on Manifold. Hey, Fraydee Cats could be a good next-moon pfp...cats seem to be perpetually popular. But maybe Petrified Penguins would be better, given the climate. SO THE IDEA is for folks to be able to also own the track, but without the guitar lead, to use. Of course if you want both you'd have to get two of the 1st and burn the 2nd of the 1st to get the new 2nd. Get it? REDEEM HERE: https://app.manifold.xyz/br/blingzus-in-space-rhythm-redemption Blingzus didn't like a wide open CC0 - he's odd like that - but I got him to agree to CC0 BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en which is good for e'rybody.

Blingzus in Space (Rhythm Redemption)
When we were first introduced to Blingzus he was walking the streets of Vegas looking, uh, for sinners https://app.manifold.xyz/c/blingzus-in-vegas Now he's in Outer Space and larger than the planets. Or maybe there was somethin' in that Tylenol he accepted from a certain sinner on The Strip. You just can't trust worldly folk. SO IF YOU'RE HERE YOU MIGHT be into the leadless instrumental track aka rhythm tracks now known as Rhythm Redemption. If so you'll have to burn Blingzus in Space (Brrr Edition) https://app.manifold.xyz/c/blingzus-in-space-brrr-edition to get it. Blingzus's idea. He likes the burning mechanics for some reason. CC0 BY-SA 4.0 License by the way https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en 'Zus enjoys the guitar solo but says this version really allows him to think. Think deeply. Seems more like plotting to me. Strategizing what? To meet Saul - I mean Paul. You know, the Apostle? Here he is https://makersplace.com/product/apostle-pauls-bbq-pork-rinds-1-of-1-500509/ Itzaloonnnnnng story...ll'get to it another time.