Metaphorical Leo

@hyp #271878

Neouroscience, ☯️, decentralization, AI. Building the next phase of onchain capital assets with @ bldx.io
4006 Follower 2449 Following
Impressive f’in group. Thanks all!

Here are my closest Farcaster friends. Click the frame to view your circles.
I don't think I could live in a state in alphabetical order after Colorado. Can't take the scrolling y'all put up with on forms.
Been suffering from a lot of knee pain this year, tons of painful swelling with no apparent injury, but it seems I've found a solution.

I've also having a lot of tightness in paraformis around hip. Rolling it and stretching it seems to be resolving knee pain and swelling.

Relationship between fascia and joints seems largely unexplored in Western medicine, but is well known in Chinese medicine.

So it might be worth minding your fascia above or around joint (or next joint up) if you are having pain.
bots are winning. shitposters going to be out of business.
Love the take here, yes, insurance, and quickly verifiable information (blockchain) combined with AI (more accurate risk calculation) will be huge disrupter, however, life insurance is slippery slope tho, so many predatory behaviors in betting on someone’s life span. need to ensure guardrails in place…
I just played the Guess the Movie game. I challenge you to solve it under 2 attempts!

got this one in 1!
Gina having a day. We all suffer in our own ways.
Closing in on 100k club. Feels like success.
Hot take: All the of the 80's hair metal bands were just one thing: record companies' trying to caputure and sell the actual sexy soul of Robert Plant: some cheap imitation for the masses.

Then grunge was a reaction to hair metal, but it left them uncomfortable with sexuality, but they were uncomfortable with the imitation, not the source, which is still Led Zepplin.
Can’t help myself, watch this clean first, but it’s so good to see with fresh eyes and ears.

Baker Mayfield ballin’. How’s Jimmy Haslam doing?
Kind of addicted to all the “first listen” videos… kids like “omg there were bands that could PLAY” but just fun to listen with fresh ears https://youtu.be/Y4WsQEMqlIM?si=gUraSBAgyRjD25KZ
There are no things to be done. There is only doing.
it ain’t life-changing yet, but give it 100x and it will be pretty nice. The next 6 months will be telling. All for just showing up and vibing. Hope to see sustainable income for creators long term, within a year.

How much MOXIE have you earned? I have earned 89,548 $MOXIE ALL THE TIME. Check how much MOXIE have you earned! Frame by @chanzy10
my totals in moxito are consistently lower than on airstack.xyz, especially the lifetime totals are off by like 20k.
Hey guys, checkout my penalty shootout 😀 ⚽ If you like this frame do like and follow the builder @abss
What's the best non-financial (or at least financial secondary) use case you've seen this week, or seen the need for this week. There is no shortage of the need for low-cost provable histories that are coordinated among untrusted parties.