Kane Mayfield

@kanemayfield #678618

Purveyor of fine liquors & fancy condiments Sunshine plays a major part in the daytime☀️ 🔥Meme Merchant/Rare Music/Ganimation #FakeRare🐸 🇬🇾 #Tokensmart
64 Follower 144 Following
“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

~ Teddy Rosé
You gotta be able to see the sunshine...

Even when it's clouds...
I know this platform is about sharing... so i will share

one of the greatest MC's you probably never heard of has passed away

despite this being a very bad day for me, i think the most Ka-like thing i can do is share his music where people would probably never have heard of him

so here..

go listen to Brownsville Ka (wherever you play musics at)

and know that is some of the closest moments rap has come to perfection
The only Christopher we acknowledge is Robin
This old white lady just told the cashier in Walmart
and I quote... to "suck her big black dick"

because he made her switch lines to buy cigarettes

The funniest part of it was the cashier was 20yr old Dominican kid and the face he made was amazing

i almost tipped my cart over

I recently performed my raps on the roof of a school bus while a wonderful gentleman I had just met played invisible drums.

Simultaneously my friends were shooting off fireworks behind me at a sleep away camp for crypto adults

Persistence and dedication is a double edged sword

Yes, I work hard and try to finish what I start

But that personality trait now has me watching an hour and a half of the worst acting ever on one of those youtube secret millionaire daughter everyone judges her by her looks trash movies... it's really bad... I will not stop until I finish it

Nothing will be gained
My phone recorded me while I'm just talking... now I understand why my algo is crazy

My phone thinks I'm a madman

Between the wild shit I actually say & the weird translationings of what it assumes I say, & the normal "I ain't say that" word salsa

All my shit sounds manifesto
“If u allow people to make more withdrawals than deposits in your life, u will be out of balance & in the negative before u know it. Know when to close the account. It's always better to be alone with dignity than in a relationship that constantly requires u to sacrifice your happiness & self-respect”

~ Oscar Auliq-Ice
36 Chambers
The Infamous
Black Star
Da Shinin
Orpheus Vs The Sirens
Hell On Earth
Capital Punishment
Muddy Waters
All We Got Iz Us (<<--this is good for the gym)

certainly not all or every... but prob a few you might not have heard before
My new book "How To Cook Crack & Clean Crabs"

its about the proper use of commas
Can't imagine the thought process of folks who physically COULD not do a job. Sweating in an air-conditioned room, saying the people doing that job deserve less and need to be quieter.

There once was a show called Get A Life... it was starred by a guy named Chris Elliot

it was one of the most underrated comedies that a bunch of shows copied

there... now you've heard of it

happy Wednesday
Grand day…

Please never forget…
How brave it is
To continue to show up
In a story that looks so
Different than what
You thought it'd be.

Please never forget…
How brave it is
To dream up next chapters
While honoring the ones
That closed so painfully.

Please never forget…
How brave it is, To continue
To explore next pages
Despite feeling
Fear and anxiety.

Please never forget…
How brave it is,
To hope and dream
Amidst the uncertainty… ~ Liz Newman
3rd trip around the sun for Fake Rares...

Still one of the best things I get to do
Pretty excited... would def do again
Tonight we're back with another great episode of #PublicSchool on

This time im super excited because we got the home team but ALSO they did something AMAZING

This was explained to me and my mind raced with 4,800 ideas

Tune in to find out what's up with @t3chtrials
with our good frens @ronindacollector and @trislit
Today's approved programming is Rocco's Modern life and the adventures of pete and pete

Bananas and orance slices...

It's going well
So prob a semi long post... not sure... still thinking thoughts... i think people who use twitter for a diary have deep psychological issues

I'm also sort of a hypocrite, so you know... but anyways

I'm prob guilty of being "way too passionate" about a lot of this Bitcoin/nft/crypto music stuff

TBH i really dont see it that way because of the road... the road is like "the implication🚤" but for way less unsavory stuff

Being a failed struggle rapper dont really leave you much in the way of "shit to believe in". You walk a very long road. That being said i believe in the art, i love doing it. I believe in rappidy raps and hip hop and all that stuff because i love it and it made my life. Bare minimum it gave it a soundtrack.

It just never really paid my bills.

art (prior to this) really never has... not really

so even at its best i still needed to wake up early to be at work on time, because THAT is what paid my bills

crypto art changed that... forever
