Cameron Builds


Collaboratively experimental content stream from @cameron. Founder stuff. Uncategorizable bangers. Daily casts about my startup too 👀 Not a cult (probably) 🫡

@cameron I thought you might enjoy plague mouse
This is my New Year’s resolution 🫡
Me (circa 2034): “Hey how do I regain access to basic financial services and the ability to travel internationally?”

The State:
When you realize the inane shit cast replies from big accounts are actually the algo boost
Every week I get served a word salad from my previous casts via @seemorebot

"Netflix Holyfield balls moment" takes the prize this week
i love the idea that you used to phone places where you thought somebody might be in order to reach them

imagine being so pissed you call the restaurant you suspect someone is at, asking the staff to get them on the phone, and then just ripping them a new one

convenience critiquers could never
Sunday Evening /cameron ritual:

What will you get done this week?

Reply below to put some skin in that game 🫡

may I have some loops?
rewatching our stream today bc i black out the instant we go live

apparently we talked about limp lettuce, vampires, and abolishing the government?
the election is preordained

be not afraid, my child
Sunday Evening /cameron ritual:

What will you get done this week?

Reply below to put some skin in that game 🫡
i can’t explain why yet but for the first time i feel like farcaster is yelling at me
(O something pernicious and dread!
Something far away from a puny and pious life!
Something unproved! something in a trance!
Something escaped from the anchorage and driving free.)
i’m a simple man

i see a goofy clip that makes me laugh

i share it
Sunday Evening /cameron ritual:

What will you get done this week?

Reply below to put some skin in that game 🫡
not cool enough to impress the status obsessed cryptosphere

not ruthless enough to manipulate the greed driven farmers

some secret, authentic third thing?