

All Eddie’s, Ed’s and Friends are welcome to cast and vibe here

The name “Eddie” in the US is down bad
1. First job: camp cook

2. College degree: business

3. Favorite non work hobby: sailing

4. Introvert or extrovert: extrovert
Jason Goldberg Ⓜ️ 💜
@betashop.eth·01:41 04/08/2024
1. First job: footlocker

2. College degree: political science

3. Favorite non work hobby: cooking

4. Introvert or extrovert: introvert

Your turn…
Eddie-kun's crypto awtism is so kawaii, he thinks animated PFPs awe the futuwe of awt nyaa~

Create a Waifu based off your FC profile with WaifuCast!
Happy birthday to @edballoon

Excited to finally become a collector
The eddie channel remains open to all eddies and friends

No subscription or NFTs required
Fellow Eddies and friends — check out Roam

Beta tested for a while, great for mobile minting and following farcaster friends onchain activity
Xen Baynham-Herd
@xenbh.eth·17:19 16/05/2024
Introducing Roam: the social onchain browser.

1. Download at roam.xyz (limited spots)
2. Watch and mint the video
3. Join /roam
Be early ;)


Happy Ed Balls Day to those who celebrate
My first cast was “hello world” — a bit cliche, but could be worse

Frame by @tom-major — thanks for building!
I grew up on these streets
Cameron Armstrong
@cameron·13:26 19/04/2024
i grew up on these streets
genesis of EddieCon?
@bitfloorsghost.eth·19:02 18/04/2024
Eddies galore

the gathering of the eddies
Concision good

Once ready, clear symbolism better
Eddie Wharton
@eddie·20:12 07/04/2024
Just checked my top 3 most used emojis


These felt very @bitfloorsghost.eth

Curious to know others
Wishing all Eds, Eddies and friends a great weekend!
Saw random bar graffiti by another Eddie last night

Apparently, Eddie and Emah got sauced there
Vibing to a fellow ed(die)'s music

@edballoon 🔥
I hope everyone had a great week
Gm to all Ed’s, Eddie’s and their friends
No cryptocurrency in /eddie

Just a friendly place for Eddie’s and friends to cast and vibe

Welcome 👋
Ioan Temnue 🎇
@tokarev·15:18 27/03/2024
I don't know what it is, why it's there, but I'm used to not understanding anything about cryptocurrency.
All Ed’s, Eddie’s and allies are welcome in /eddie

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