Portrait Photography


Welcome to the channel dedicated to portrait photography! Feel free to share your portraiture work or the photography of other artists that inspire you. Photography only!

Highlight of my day - meeting Amanda.

A Sangoma in training. I am very fortunate to create portraits with her soon 🖤
Portrait at parotidectomy 👨🏻‍⚕️
the smell of youth
I miss the citrus-
smell of spring
on the plaza filled
with young and long-limbed kite flyers
Rosie Clements
“Pure Semblance”

A series of UV-printed photographs on bubble wrap by Los Angeles-based artist Rosie Clements.

“Often discarded after a single use, bubble wrap reflects the fleeting nature of digital photographs, easily shared and forgotten in our media-saturated world. The bubbles suggest individual pixels, rendered tactilely. The works demand that the viewer spend time with them – some are only readable at right angles or from a distance, and are almost completely abstracted up close.”

The series asks the viewer to reconsider how they interact with images, and highlights the importance of texture and materiality in an era dominated by the immaterial digital world.
Flourish no matter what! Dedicated to the one I loved
Portrait of a girl in Komárov, 1979
Under the bright mystical glow
Silent shadows lead the way
Like flames in the sky that burn at night..
Out of more than 30,000 photographs, this is the one I received an award for and was one of the best. In the photo you see a Kurd living in a village in Eastern Anatolia in his local clothes.
I realized I haven't shared a portrait photo in a long time, here is a photo from my last trip💙
Lee Miller

Man Ray's student, model, surrealist, photographer who photographed the liberation of Dachau and Buchenwald. For a long time, Lee Miller worked as a model for Vogue, and after meeting Man Ray, she began to take pictures on her own.

During the war, she took a lot of photos for British Vogue. It was the war that inspired her to seriously take up photography and reportage work. Miller even joined the American army to have an official opportunity to be a war correspondent.

She photographed under bombing, wrote reports, she is the author of the pictures of the poisoned mayor of Leipzig and his daughter in the office of the city hall, and then - the liberation of the concentration camps of Buchenwald and Dachau.

The famous photo of a naked Miller in the bathtub, in front of which are soldiers' boots, was taken in Hitler's former apartment in Munich a few hours after visiting Dachau.
You are my Mother - Lindsea & Chrysea

The impromptu session that sparked the beginning of my three-year project.


Portrait of Miriam

A series depicting 'ordinary' people who live their lives unnoticed, selflessly devoted to faith and service to others. It portrays domestic workers from affluent Cape Town suburbs, women who not only ease the lives of their employers but also continue their labor at home, taking on the roles of mothers, wives, and caregivers. Often unseen, they stand as the quiet pillars of their communities.


"The girl in the mirror #2"
When i look in the mirror i want to see what everyone else sees...
That's so called "beauty"...
All i see is a pain filled girl...
In a hate filled world...
A girl with a broken heart...
That hides behind makeups art.

I photographed a man on the streets of Munnar, Kerala
Portrait of Devi, Miche, and Indiana

2021 I South Africa
Jan Lukas
Self portrait with camera, Czechoslovakia
Jean Loup Sieff

Born in Paris, Jean Loup Sieff began shooting fashion photography in 1956 and joined the Magnum agency in 1958, which allowed him to travel widely. Based in New York for much of the sixties, he worked for Esquire, Harper's Bazaar, Vogue and Elle.

Sieff is considered one of the great international photographic talents of the last half century and left an undeniable mark on his generation. Prolific in many fields, the diversity of his images highlights his broad creative output, ranging from fashion, nudes, landscape and portraiture.

With great tenacity, Sieff maintained an individual and highly effective signature style, imbued with a playful imagination and a touch of irony. Rarely working in colour, he favoured the black and white discipline, often taking advantage of the spatial distortions of wide-angle lenses, the dramatic potential of shadow and the use of tone.

Photos by: Jean Loup Sieff
Angela Lewis
"Places We've Never Been"

"Places We've Never Been" explores the connection between photographer Angela Lewis's late grandmother and the elderly women she photographed over the years. Always shot from the back, the portraits capture a moment of introspection, with each subject seemingly lost in their own world.

Angela Lewis:
"My grandmother, Marjorie Lewis, died when she was just 65 and I was 12. Her loss was deeply felt in our family, and at that young age I struggled to understand her impact. I came to understand that the women I obsessively photographed represented my grandmother in some way, whether it was the pattern on their clothes, their hair, their surroundings, or, more often than not, an intuitive sense. In the spring of 2021, I began intentionally seeking out women in places I imagined my grandmother would enjoy, places we never had the opportunity to explore together.”