

I probably should be using a Pomodoro timer more often. This looks cool.
Grooming my to-do-list on Sunday rather than Monday morning has a huge effect on my outlook for the week.

It’s hard to find time on the weekend to do planning, but it makes a huge difference when you come into the week feeling like you have a gameplan.
I'm not looking around for another app or framework for my notes (I love Obsidian), but Forever Notes looks cool.
Overhauling my cognitive OS - any alternatives to Obsidian I should consider?
unironically, I think this outdoor walking desk matches any of his other inventions
Made the decision to remove WC from my mobile. Want to limit my time checking feeds. Plan will be to schedule times to be on here and only use the desktop app. Anyone else have a good strat for WC time management?
The 8 hour workday is a Marxist construct.
that time of the year again, i flow into Obsidian because there are too many monologue noisecapes in my Roam. it's sorta sabbatical.
I don’t know how I functioned without a reader app. Great for aggregating all your subscriptions/newsletters as well as exporting notes to the knowledge base of your choice

Started using Omnivore which is free and open source
I’ve been working on breaking the habit of being the ‘instant reply guy’ at work, and man, scheduling emails to send later is such an underrated feature.

It’s so nice to get things off my plate and still be productive without:

- the recipient immediately jumping back in my inbox when I’m trying to clear out emails

- creating unrealistic expectations about response times
Despite my best efforts, Readwise has become the black hole that Instapaper once was. Tomorrow is a new day.
The endorphin kick from hearing that little ding on my to do list app when you click the checkbox button is pretty magical.
For those that use Linear:
- what makes this tool stand out for you compared to others?
- what is it missing?
Talking out loud has really helped me stay focused on complex problems. Rather than pacing and trying to organize everything in my head, I sit down and talk out loud - find it much easier to translate into something coherent and organized.

Definitely speeds things up for me.
At what point do you know a system you’ve been working to implement is nearing a point of automaticity?

How frequently do you check to make sure that you’re building to close the loop, so that it can be utilized, rather than constantly expanding on it?
What happened to Roam Research? Are they still alive? Do people still use it?
Pomodoro - The Focus Tomato for you: Do you struggle to stay focused and get things done? If so, it's time to try the Pomodoro Technique.

This time management method was created by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s and named after a tomato-shaped kitchen timer. The premise is simple: work for 25 minutes, take a short break, and repeat.
Consistency = Dedication + Determination

broke a rule of mine yesterday and woke up at 11 am today 🥲

morning study missed
Gym missed
Rest of the day f*cked
As a team, what tool do you guys use to organize your backlog, current tasks and roadmap?

@dwr.eth @v
Dear @dwr.eth .

How do you guys organize your releases between those tasks that focus on bug fixes and/or improvements of what’s already in production and those that bring new features to the users?
@dwr.eth How do you organize your daily tasks (work related and not)?

Do you use a tool/app, simple list, something else?
With this exercise I was able to met my goal of reading a book per week.

Will try to remain consistent🫡
Recently I started using a stopwatch for every task I am doing in a doing.

It really helped me in figuring out how much time I used and waste.

Let me know your feedback if you have tried this before or after you try it out.
This week I installed Paperless-ngx and imported decades of documents. I scan every damn piece of paper that enters our home. And let me tell you, it comes in extremely handy.
In a future life, I plan to come back as a 10x developer.