
@ktd #542753

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If you aren’t partaking in LA’s vibrant brewery scene … please fix that.

One spot in particular that doesn’t get the love it deserves is Benny Boy Brewing.

A brewery and a cider house in one.

Great hang out area and lots of fun events every couple of weekends.

Their Witbier is my fav.

Check it out! Probably going to post more beer/brewery gems in addition to pizza going forward. In these economic times great spots need your support more than ever.

Little Dynamite
Culver City

Hot Jimmy
Cheese Louise

Former co-owner of Bootleg Pizza.

I arrived and they had a sign up that said: “Out of stock. Please do not ask.”

Two groups of people walked in, saw the sign + walked out.

I shrugged and asked. Turns out they did have more pizza lol.

It never hurts to inquire!


Dough-y guilty pleasure pizza. Domino’s if it went to a liberal arts school for four years. These are fun pizzas, but the dessert-ness of it all makes me feel like a guest would have a slice, smile and then ask if you had vegetables in your fridge they could nibble at.

And that last part is why this fails to cut through the clutter. There are so many of these yeast injected, Detroit-influenced pies that rely way too heavily on the junk factor without having that spark to make you feel like you could finish a box and throw any digestive concern to the wind.

You need that quality part. This comes close, but doesn’t quite hit.

Verdict: Not ktd approved
Hi Guys - it’s me, Gordito! ktd is doing breathwork so I took his phone to post a selfie tehehehe. I just want everybody to know that with all these pizza reviews I still haven’t gotten a single slice! Anyways, Happy Friday!
Can never go wrong with Hot Tongue. Especially after watching the Dodgers win at Red Lion.

Abbot’s Pizza Company

Salad pizza, everything crust

@ted’s fave

Came with spicy ranch - triggering memories from my CU Boulder says.

I feel like this is what an angry Midwesterner imagines when they think of LA pizza.

I can see how this comes across as a gimmick, but it sits a tier above gimmick. But it also sits a tier below memorable.

Surprisingly not too messy. Greens are quality (aka not week old iceberg lettuce) and do compliment the pizza. The everything crust doesn’t feel over-seasoned.

Pizza itself is quality ingredients and proper size. The taste just doesn’t reach the bar.

Hate to admit - the spicy dressing is really good. But without it - this pizza is just something that lives in your iPhone photos, not in your thoughts- until you see it while cleaning up space for iCloud.

If you’re in Venice - it’s definitely worth a try, but I wouldn’t advise anybody to make a trek.

Verdict: Not ktd-approved.
A month ago I said Poltergeist in Exho Park is the best meal I’ve had all year and warned it could be closing soon. Well - unfortunately that is the case due to Button Mash not renewing their lease.

That said:

1. You have until Sunday, September 29th to experience what will be a regarded as a legendary run.

2. At least they’re going out at their peak. Very excited to see what Diego does next.


Squash blossom pizza(s) with @ted

Incredible. I ordered it again that meal. Seasonal.

Highlight = the tomatoes. Yes. Tomatoes. Insatiably juicy and flavorful. Moreso, than any other tomatoes I’ve had in my life. You could have just eaten nothing but these in season tomatoes and love life all night (I sorta did that too tbh).

Lots of burrata. I even suspected a bit of visual and flavor cloaking - but thankfully that was definitely not the case.

The composition of flavors melt in your mouth - very chewy. A tad more filling than one would expect with a pizza of this size/at an establishment like Gjelina. One pie per person should fill the average American.

Enjoyably salty and chewy crust. Haven’t had a lot of saltiness with crusts so far - so this felt unique.

A lot of these fancy (aka west side places) serve decent fancy pies that are ultimately mid for the scene - but this pizza is a bar-raiser even when compared outside of the westside bubble.

Verdict: ktd approved!

Miracle Mile

Grandma/square pie

Fifth time here. Regarded as your fav pizza shop’s fav pizza shop.

Northeast vibes. Not rude, moreso “alright wadya want?”. No mods allowed. No half and half.

Def order online because lines are nuts.

The most attention to detail in the city. Best part of the pizza: it hits a home run in both comfort and elegance. It’s perfect for a night in, but you can’t be watching The Office or some sitcom. It’s gotta be paired with an Oscar winning film.

One criticism: too salty. Which really surprised me because it doesn’t need to be since the flavors are so powerful and well-balanced. But other than that - incredible pizza. Crust transition from edge to center is close to perfect as well. Crisp on edges - softer towards center.

I definitely plan to keep coming back and doing a better job of exploring their menu. I’ve been rather non-adventurous every time I go. So if you go and get something bomb - please do share!

VERDICT: ktd approved!
Ozzy’s Apizza

The Zupp
The White

New Haven style. Started at a bar + recently moved to a capex light operation on a patio. Makes for a unique dining experience.

I grew up in CT. My polo shirt collection will vouch.

New Haven has been thrust from the shadows into the pizza limelight (I credit it mainly to the Ugly Delicious pizza episode).

Aka “apizza” - thin-crust charred, slightly chewy crust. Coal-fired oven.

The Zupp - Signature New Haven charred look. Flavorful sausage. CT elements present in each bite, but quality still felt like a slightly elevated food truck.

The White - the spinach was the star. Savory. Reminded me of creamed spinach on Thanksgiving. I preferred its non-charred crust to that of The Zupp.

Felt like I got hit by a bus afterwards and this brings up a belief of mine. Non-deep dish pizza should not couch-lock you or make you feel uneasy.

Portnoy gave it an 8.1, but I think it was only because the owner was right there listening.

VERDICT: not ktd approved.
Echo Park Rising is this weekend. If you’ve never been + are in your 20s and/or new to LA - GO!

Nothing embodies the magic of this city as much as having drinks on the east side with your friends watching all these incredible upcoming artists you’ve never heard of play for free.
Embarrassed to say I finally got around to ordering mustard grilled at In N Out on 1/2 double doubles and I couldn’t tell which one was which…
The anti-hype is real. Golden Road really is as bad as everybody says it is.

First time back in 10 years. Flat beer. Empty on a Friday night. Corporate vibe despite being a brewery (how is that possible?). No soul.
What if I told you not liking pineapple on pizza is not a personality trait? Jk.

Last weekend I had a pickled pineapple pizza at Gra in LA and it wow’d everyone at the table. The coffee infused honey did not on a separate pie did not.

Looking to generate ideas on non-traditional, even controversial toppings that nailed it. Would love to chat further in the comments!

Echo Park

Bacon And Pickled Pineapple (special)
Stracciatella & Prosciutto Ham (with coffee infused honey)

Sourdough pizza. My 2nd time. Recently got added to Michelin so get a reservation now before the word gets out.

Takes big swings. 2/5 were home runs (Mushroom and Pineapple). Complex flavors where no bite tastes the same and with each bite the flavor morphs into something new. A true taste journey.

Puttanesca and the white were good, not great. Relied too much on the chewy and perfectly charred dough.

Stracciatella & Prosciutto Ham was the only thing that didn’t work for me. The coffee honey was too bitter, but I can see somebody else liking it.

So only 2/5 pizzas were homeruns….and that’s fine. Those 2/5 were some of the best pizzas I’ve had in the city. And for the ones that didn’t land you have to give Gra props for taking the swings.

Tried all 3 desserts and the Melon Granita blew us all away.

VERDICT: ktd approved!
Best meal in 2024 so far (back in March). Realized this restaurant might not be around for long given the demand for Chef Diego…so without further ado I share with you…Poltergeist (Echo Park).

It doesn’t make sense in the best way possible.

When you order - don’t overthink it - just go with your gut.

Went here during the most stressful week I’ve had since 2020 and it melted all away. When I think back about what should be a terrible string of days instead brings back memories of the night I finally tried this place.

Brought an NYC friend here and it humbled them quite nicely.

Feel free to share your fav meal of 2024 thus far.
So for those at home keeping score

2 out of 7 have been ktd approved:
Hot Tongue

Silver Lake

Sausage And Peppers

Dodger themed spot on Sunset. Dodger pre-game traffic has kept me away until this weekend.

The crust has depth, but the cheese and sauce were overpowered by the greasy sausage that felt too hospital cafeteria hamburger-y.

The grease factor is strong, and while done in a higher brow way - I found myself wanting more of the basics (a theme of the good, but not great LA pizza spots). The peppers were fine, but not memorable at all.

I will come back here again and try some more pies - because there are some serious stans for this place in the foodie community. But until then…

Verdict: not ktd approved

That said…(cont’d below)…
When you’re excited to go to the Dodger game vs when you find out no dogs allowed

Curry Village Pizza Deck

El Capitan

Prime example of bells and whistles vs the basics.

Pepperoni was delicious. I enjoyed chewing the heavier shreds of basil. The excruciating amount of chili oil and honey drenched each slice.


This was not good pizza. Why? No soul. Dough, sauce and cheese. Frozen aisle quality.

You can put as much culinary lipstick on it, but it’s still mediocre pizza at the end of the day.

Lesson 1: So many meh places love suffocating their pies with spicy pepperoni or honey or garlic cloves to give it more flavor. Next time you go out for pizza in LA, ask yourself if you would truly enjoy a barebones version of what you’re eating. 

Lesson 2: That said after three days of hiking in Yosemite, I wasn’t complaining. Sure, this is no Michelin star, but it’s far better than I would’ve expected from a national park. Great to see that pizza is being elevated in places where it doesn’t really have to be. 

Verdict: not ktd approved 

Du-Par’s Pancakes

Best in the city. Best I’ve ever had.

Perfectly balanced. Savory, but just sweet enough. Heavy, but just fluffy enough.

Liquid butter provided on the side in addition to syrup.

$10.50 for 3
$11.50 for 5
Not working or networking?
Any Vegas restaurant recs? Last two times the below stood out to me:

Herbs And Rye
Best Friend
Tacos El Gordo
Viva Arepas
Wynn Buffet

Going with a group of six dudes for a fantasy football draft weekend.

Thanks in advance!

Echo Park

Traditional Medium

The only place in LA that does deep dish right. Ignore annoying Chi transplants. Been 10+ times.

Fork + knife. Will knock you out (but not in a cheap ingredients way). Each slice weighs more than French Bulldog.

Do NOT go on a first date here. Do NOT make plans after. Best thing to do is take a nice stroll around Echo Park Lake and be grateful such pizza exists in this crazy city.

Tomatoes not fully crushed, but I enjoy forking them if they fall off.

Cheese is slobber-inducing gooey and flavorful.

Sausage is savory. Mushrooms subtle. I never know they’re there.

The crust is the unsung hero and has a buttery-garlic flavor you can’t stop shoving into your face.

It takes 45 minutes to make fyi. You can order early, but be careful to not mess up timing. Cold pizza really sucks. Tastes almost just as good the next day for leftovers.

A worthy staple of the LA pizza scene and a fav spot of mine to bring groups.

VERDICT: ktd approved!
11 years in LA today - wow.
After attending over 15 Hollywood Forever screenings, we decided to try Street Food Cinema.

Here’s how it stacked up:

500 Days of Summer at the Autry Museum

SFC Wins:
Parking + Entry: Found a free spot within five minutes. No lines, we walked right in.
Seating: Ample space. Filled up just as the movie started.
Atmosphere: Families. More relaxed. Dogs are allowed.

Cinespia Wins:
Visuals & Sound: Presentation boasts superior presentation and audio quality.
Special Feeling: Cinespia feels like a special event worth the hassle. People dress up and bring their A-game for food.

Pre-Show: SFC offered free 500 Days of Summer shirts, short-wait photo ops, trivia, and a band. Cinespia's DJs are better, and I prefer just hanging out and talking with friends beforehand, but both were solid.

It was refreshing to avoid the usual stress of Hollywood Forever. Given the lackluster lineup this year, we’ll probably attend more SFC screenings.

Plus, they featured a photo of us on their insta page!