Discussion/shilling of new, emerging, and trending tokens. Get in early! Post new tokens to
Singularity Coins eh?
What say we
What say we
@pedr0x.eth is a top scatterer of Bones. His bones have been scattered across the lands to be found by others, who may heed the call
Happy to preview the Token Name Service validation frame today! Let's collect all the token metadata together.
If you were a growth hacker working on a memecoin, what metrics would you look at?
Is anyone curious how much those illiquid $SAFE tokens are worth?
What spidey senses tell you when a token hasn't been "priced in" yet?
token without og ?
We are advertisers for those who have og😅
We are advertisers for those who have og😅
What are some metrics you look at when researching a token?
Ok ok here we go