Agadoo 🎩
@agadoo #18513
Just a degentleman penguin
599 Follower 246 Following
switching DB host for oulibot, pls stay on look out for bugs and pass any on.
and a quick sword-fall to test in prod as well 😀
and a quick sword-fall to test in prod as well 😀
testing for ouli
Want oulistats? At last! This will drop without doubt but info is up for now. Bugs, tips, thoughts, findings pls pass on to @agadoo
it's difficult to oulipost about shiba dog chaos with no fifth glyph
Ironic that a word such as 'dolphin' contains no fifth glyph (but uncorks so many)
I ouli, thus I am.
Oulito rgo sum
Oulito rgo sum
Again it turns out it is not coming hom. 😢
So we have effectively fully sentient AI about to take over the world. but I can't type into ChatGPT - "replace this clip with an English commentator talking about the Netherlands"? Meh, dunno what Elon is worried about.
Also, certified sport history right here for those not familiar with the clip.
Also, certified sport history right here for those not familiar with the clip.
Another one for the feedback list @rish - it would be great to see more info on my usage with the Overview page of my account within Neynar. Specifically the compute units. Ideal would be a filterable log table with timestamps/type of action/CU price (just like Alchemy has). If this is too much hassle, just a simple breakdown of how many e.g. castsByFid, user.updated webhook etc I've made would be great. No idea where most of my usage has come from (I suspect an unintended loop causing more castsByFid than I'd planned), but would be good to be able to see this info within my account. ty!
NFL cans the very popular AroundTheNFL podcast (guessing money related). Favourite podcast of the week, been listening for 10 years, now gone.
Down horrendously 😥
Down horrendously 😥
OK @oulibot now allows $degen and additional '$' tags (don't want kind souls to tip on autopilot and prompt an ouliwarning).
adding ban list of fids to stop oulibot spamming warnings to bot posts (such as @degentipbot.eth). pass on any additional fids and will add
one more time
is this an error
Did a thing. @oulibot - a bot to watch for ouliwarnings and that taboo fifth glyph in /ouliposting
All bugs and modifications, do pass on
Allow agadoo to fall on his sword to show you - ERROR
All bugs and modifications, do pass on
Allow agadoo to fall on his sword to show you - ERROR
Always a good day to start ouliposting