Jay Brower (jaymothy.eth)

@jayb #214318

protocol @ eigen. prev $coin/$meta
544 Follower 144 Following
you ever get those thoughts that the "bull market" was just a giant ponzi scheme perpetrated by like 3-5 people who are all in prison rn and that's why the charts are sideways
anyone got sepolia eth?

literally every faucet i found today required some sketchy sign up, a mainnet balance, or other.
TIL LA is covered in toxic smog and has nearly the worst air in the US :(
can you imagine if las vegas casinos used the term "onboarding" for their referral programs

the linguistic gymnastics we do are hysterical lol
Some travel coming up:

LA: 10/12-10/18
Vegas: 10/18-10/20

DM if you want to meet up! Appreciate any reccs
eigen team is absolutely stacked with great engineers and even better people.
overheard: "you should be slutty moo deng for halloween, 100%"
find it kind of funny that the AI guys, while largely intolerable, are trying to deprecate labor and fundamentally change society

while the cumulative sum of 10's of billions of investment in crypto has tried to... produce a competing bank with lower fees and bypass gambling laws

are we cooked? why are we doing all this? what will we tell our descendants?
is there any way to sign a transaction you constructed with viem, using a ledger?
@zkp2p ticket marketplace is going to be huge

not because resales of tickets is a huge industry (it is)

but because.... we're entering an era where the online marketplace is about to be reinvented

if you can write some zkTLS code to prove;
- "i own x"
- "i transferred x to y"

you can make abstract marketplaces for.. anything online
is the solution to "single payer healthcare" actually just starting the world's most premium-efficient insurance non-profit company with verticals around health/gym/routine-checkups and then out-competing everyone?

even in that world, regulatory capture is huge and 4/5 americans get insurance from an employer...

it would take a mass opt-out for any real change to happen
if I forked Geth's generated contracts / abigen to include

- built in multicall R/W support
- asynchronous calls (via channels)

would anyone want/use this?
didn't find a great solution to typed multicall in go, so i built one.

multicall is critical for reducing RPC utilization and vendor bills. Geth unfortunately doesn't come with anything out of the box to support this, and existing solutions that I found weren't typed or were under-documented.

If you write backend services or golang that touches an ETH node, you should probably be multicalling.

Just the other day, we reduced the cost of a migration we did from like 3.9 ETH to <2ETH by batching our transactions and avoiding fixed cost.

Hope people find this useful!


replacing rust with TypeScript everywhere at work

if you actually need rust, you know who you are

everyone else just playing

use the correct tool for the job and avoid hype. dev velocity is our greatest tool

ship ship ship
what is the best way to mock a viem contract for testing?

compiler errors everywhere

'a 'a 'a 'b 'b 'b 'a' ' b 'ba

help me
how many "consumer crypto" apps that just use the blockchain as a database could easily launch on a testnet instead of a mainnet

- free onramps and faucets
- no taxable events for users
- still decentralized and permissionless

if your app is non financial why not...
just moved a fuck ton of money using only my command line

Crypto is so cool sometimes
my 2c-

only centrists in the US have a political voice.

leftists organize at protests about conflicts on the other side of the world and the "democratic party" sends a candidate unaligned with them who did not receive votes in a primary.

right wing people yell about immigration, inflation and daily life. they get a former president in his 80's who centers around hate and division with few concrete policies.

i never knew why 40% of americans don't vote as a kid. i do now

these guys sold us out a long time ago

your housing will continue to go up
your wages will stagnate
your healthcare will decline
your military will deploy to cover wars globally
your education will increase in cost

and there is no god damn plan to fix any of it

on either side

but hey, the centrists will have a job making sure nothing changes
"she is joe biden"
"i am not joe biden or donald trump"

60 million americans dont have health insurance and this is our discourse
- bloodright EU citizenship
- marrying foreigner
- digital nomad visa

chat are there more options
take a shot every time Venezuela is mentioned
rust devs: "the compiler errors are phenomenal. really instructive"

go devs: "you guys get compiler errors?"
does alloy not support multicall?