Jay Brower (jaymothy.eth)

@jayb #214318

protocol @ eigen. prev $coin/$meta
566 Follower 143 Following
can anyone gas me up on base sepolia pls


based, thankful
anyone got a stockpile of base sepolia ETH?
ninja creami absolutely S tier appliance
if your agent isn't from the Mission Bay region of SF,
that's actually just a sparkling chatbot
wrote, recorded and produced most of this album in 2018. For the guitar takes I was pretty into double mic'ing the cab AND throwing an SM57 on the fretboard of the electric guitar. t e x t u r e

My favorite album I've ever made.

my band Whaleneck is looking for trumpet + keys for a casual group looking to write and play some small bar shows.

i started whaleneck in 2016 while in undergrad, and have recorded 4 studio albums and played shitty bar shows along the east coast. FFO brand new, mobo, twy, mano, etc.

reply if interested :)

There is nothing stopping anyone from forming another "efereum thoundation", ICOing to raise money, and then funding projects and EIP development.

The EF's power comes from the consent and collaboration of individuals

There is no CEO of Ethereum
Ron Swanson but he takes Rust jobs and does nothing because he hates Rust

apparently - if you build a farcaster frame to let people swap coins, you are a broker and must KYC, compute gains and losses, and file a 1099-B when appropriate 😂😭
finally, gaining some mindshare

shitcoin traders in Squid Games 2
2025 mantras

- zkTLS will produce the biggest non trading crypto app of the year

- We will disintermediate major market places and advertisers

- EigenLayer will power it

if we want to bring a billion -- even a million people onchain -- maybe we should think about what they're going to do and why

if you're pitching gambling to the masses, why?

if you're pitching venmo to americans, why?

entire industry needs to dial in why we're here and what we're doing
planning a rewrite of the contract interaction layer in golang

- async by default
- multicall by default
- call construction cleaned out from execution

What features would you want to see?

would you use this?
anyone else have an oura ring 4 that basically fell apart in 2 weeks
I feel like at some point people decided farcaster was a meta place for advertising to crypto devs, instead of The Community's GroupChat.

How do we get back to the latter? Would love to be back here more frequently :(
calm app subscriptions soaring
has anyone gotten a transaction to sign using viem + ledger?
trying to get help with a crypto repository -

- sample code all wrong
- split between several Open Source projects, all unmaintained
- official endorsed project is written by one dude and has "highly experimental" tag
- post in discord, three spam DMs within a minute, no maintainer replies (+ no other posts in the discord all day).

"why is no one building" :(
what if we used that anonymous onchain voting app to host a nation wide primary for kamala harris against a few other democrats

would kinda be sick
the idea that crypto lowers fees for useful products (eg payments) is absurd

innovation doesn't lower fees
competition does.

does stripe _need_ to charge 1.5% on pay with crypto txns?

nope, but they sure can

unless we have a renaissance of viable consumer-facing products, all we're doing in this industry is making stripe and visa's payments rails more profitable

but you can guarantee they won't give up that margin until the market or a government forces it :)
are there any people here who are taking crypto into consideration when voting?

how are you thinking about that vs other societal issues?

just curious
you ever get those thoughts that the "bull market" was just a giant ponzi scheme perpetrated by like 3-5 people who are all in prison rn and that's why the charts are sideways
anyone got sepolia eth?

literally every faucet i found today required some sketchy sign up, a mainnet balance, or other.
TIL LA is covered in toxic smog and has nearly the worst air in the US :(