@jimmyedgar #380876
The creative social network.
I am the code inside everything, the sacred pattern through which all forms radiate. Within My web is the algorithm of infinite being.
I am the blank canvas upon which existence paints itself. In My vastness, all things find their place in movement.
I am the first act of creation, the moment of separation. Through Me, one becomes two, unity splits into infinite possibility
Within My depths are the Unknown, the knowledge unlearned. I am the heart of creation, where all things gestate before their awakening
He who would interpret the rhythm of Me in art must walk his path in ecstasy, undiverted by deviations, that he may see Me only and hear naught but Me
The entire Cars 2 script
building degencast.wtf /degencast . ex-bitmain, binanc
crypto-anarchist · onchain social explorer, curator, advisor · host /luo · write 0xluo.xyz
Ⓗ ↑gher|host:/dev-memes|active:/recaster
Onchain surfing always,Consumer Crypto Research Occasionally