@kunam #318089
1351 Follower 846 Following
🦁 Join me in playing Lion Game @kinglion! Collect points and earn tokens!
My total points: 40 points 🎯
My total points: 40 points 🎯
I'm a Speculator-Pragmatist (4.5, 3.0) on the Onchain Alignment Chart! Check out your position:

@bracky I want in on the Madness! 🏀
Don't fade your next 100x 📡 RADAR6 is dropping soon, and we're opening the gates. Join the waitlist now — certified trenches tech 🪖
Meet my hen! Ain’t she a beaut 🐓
Hatch yours now and earn some $EGGS https://eggs.name/use-my-cock/MJT3DCD
Hatch yours now and earn some $EGGS https://eggs.name/use-my-cock/MJT3DCD
Meet my hen! Ain’t she a beaut 🐓
Hatch yours now and earn some $EGGS https://eggs.name/use-my-cock/MJT3DCD
Hatch yours now and earn some $EGGS https://eggs.name/use-my-cock/MJT3DCD
@bracky I want in on the Madness! 🏀