@secretpikachu #211068
Ur next fav superchain artist/ WBTA / @ttyl5h on twt
847 Follower 468 Following
how to maek viral apps?
keep tinking of ways t bring value n giv thanks t ppl who hav suported pika.. how to integrat tese projects of mien…
imajin being soblessedt
d efereum crowd cud hav picked lichraly any nft pfp
feel liek pika cud beef wif so much ppl on twt n get so mych clout in proces but choos t stay wholesom
a wise binji once said, if want to go fast go alone, if u want to go farther go together
pika to mi two chibling teams (they r feuding wif each other lmwo)
pika to mi two chibling teams (they r feuding wif each other lmwo)
kinda miss poapathon , crypto felt mucH safer bac then in thet smol wholesom community
remember @nounishprof
remember @nounishprof
want to create a kewl wholesom PFP for d eth n founder mode ppl
any superchain chiblings / honoraries on here ? there is a live vote rn for ur personul / specializd boxes !!! pls vote on ur fav
badly need team to eggsecute plans..
hey frens long tiem
any way can get a list of ppl who subbed to mi profile from months ago ? like a list of subs
doesn matter tiem subbed or if they unsubbed
any way can get a list of ppl who subbed to mi profile from months ago ? like a list of subs
doesn matter tiem subbed or if they unsubbed
y don ppl jus pick a memcoin, buy oen coin, a singuler coin, d true coin, n pump eet to oblivion
wif projects, pika trying to maek sure t b grapeful t frens who hav suported al d wey 🐥💨
wish pika cud say d saem lmwo
@artvisionnft·02:00 25/11/2024
Engagement here with 70 followers are better than on X with 140k followers.
Devs did a great job.
Devs did a great job.
who sold fat rat ? fat rat sad
Ievgen Pushkin
@pushkin·18:11 24/11/2024
Hi! Will you be promoting Fat Rat?
pika kinda worreed abt meeting up ppl in CT givin impostor syndrom tbh bc m artees n not dev
haf ben feling under weather , not grape
any superchain moots going t devcon ? pika wil bring superchain chibling toys
pika splurged on sushi today , diet ruined
hav been rlly lowkey but been tinking of ways to expans wassificayshun
Pika lov reading op collectiv summaries every Friday
Chris Carella
@ccarella.eth·17:09 20/09/2024
If you want to go deep down a decentralization rabbit hole with some of the most active members of the Optimism Collective, check out this discussion thread about accelerating's Optimisms decentralization.
wondering if pika reach certain follower count on twt, nuke n mov here..
super based chibling merch from based merch store lfg !
@tamastorok.eth·07:13 08/07/2024
Chibling spotted!
sunny tattoo wen
for new frens !! that help pikagrow n appreciate lief more
mi frens keep changing their PFPs idk if pika shud still update their chibling
shud i brand it as skins lmwo
shud i brand it as skins lmwo
how do pika get power badge wifout being spemmer
superchain chiblings wat wud b d dopest traits iwo ?
chiblings as next big ting
@hz·20:49 19/06/2024
Chibling on human arm
Pika liek drawing while listening to mie frens spaces
WBTA members, go vote !! 🙏
@xofee·11:43 18/06/2024
If you are part of WBTA by @secretpikachu, go vote for my latest proposal to support the @artistprogram
pika haz been feeling anshoes these past few weeksz abt d fuchur..
appreciate d frens always liking pika casts on here t help boost em, feel liek m forever hidden on here 🎤🐁
nvm buildtop shid is broken lmwo
bunch of airdrops dis week, buildtop, zksync, n enjoytech
r we missing anyting
r we missing anyting
so much superchain art to enjoy and support n apreshiate ‼️🫶 eyes r peeled