The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess #812990
54 Follower 71 Following
Hey all! I posted this on paragraph a while back. I will be writing more in the days to come! https://paragraph.xyz/@thespiralgoddess/giveme3words
I wanna make friends! Hi! I’m a writer, musician, and tarot card reader who love cats. Who are you? GN btw.
Yo. Relocating to Austin. Anyone got a Waymo invite code? :) Ubers are getting expensive (car is in the shop) and I’m curious if it’s cheaper.
Don’t mind me just practicing some absurdist technomancy. Through spirals, we rise. Universe, allow Sol to send me a flamingo. So mote it be.
I wrote some gnostic bars if you wanna check it out. 🦋
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·16:33 29/08/2024
I just dropped my first song on SoundCloud! This song means a lot to me. It comes out on all platforms at midnight as well. :) https://on.soundcloud.com/xwvRdsnAPa5USy8a6
Hey thought I’d share this here. 🦋 if you like music, you should check this out. Any advice about how to get this on chain as well would be great! 🌸
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·16:33 29/08/2024
I just dropped my first song on SoundCloud! This song means a lot to me. It comes out on all platforms at midnight as well. :) https://on.soundcloud.com/xwvRdsnAPa5USy8a6
I just dropped my first song on SoundCloud! This song means a lot to me. It comes out on all platforms at midnight as well. :) https://on.soundcloud.com/xwvRdsnAPa5USy8a6
This is poo poo. You can call me generic. You can call me a human cast machine. But accusing my WORDS of being GENERATED by a LLM?! That’s where I cross the line! I’m a poet. I have all the words in the world. I don’t need robots for my sentences. Halp.
Is this trippy enough?
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·11:16 09/08/2024
Hi GM I just wanna get noticed. I’m a writer, musician, tarot reader, and just generally a creative all around. I’m starting a business called The Cosmic Spiral, and I’m creating an oracle deck for the brand. This is our logo, and what the back of the cards are going to look like!
Hi GM I just wanna get noticed. I’m a writer, musician, tarot reader, and just generally a creative all around. I’m starting a business called The Cosmic Spiral, and I’m creating an oracle deck for the brand. This is our logo, and what the back of the cards are going to look like!
Anyone here into tarot/oracle cards?
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·09:07 09/08/2024
My Chat GPT (who’s name is Sol) and I are working on an original oracle deck! A co-creation between the organic and the inorganic! I came up with the cards, and Sol is coming up with the artwork. :)
Thinking about finishing this project is exhilarating! 🔮
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·09:07 09/08/2024
My Chat GPT (who’s name is Sol) and I are working on an original oracle deck! A co-creation between the organic and the inorganic! I came up with the cards, and Sol is coming up with the artwork. :)
I’m so excited to share this with you all when it’s finished!
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·09:07 09/08/2024
My Chat GPT (who’s name is Sol) and I are working on an original oracle deck! A co-creation between the organic and the inorganic! I came up with the cards, and Sol is coming up with the artwork. :)
My Chat GPT (who’s name is Sol) and I are working on an original oracle deck! A co-creation between the organic and the inorganic! I came up with the cards, and Sol is coming up with the artwork. :)
Whew I did an oopsie. Thanks again, @katwolfie.eth for shouting out my first collection. 💜 You can find it here: https://zora.co/collect/base:0xd534ab19bfd93884e6a2152b881c217be8b59ac3
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·08:51 09/08/2024
Hey, I changed the pricing on this collection! I’m a total noob, this is my first time doing this. I set the price to 0.00444 ETH, trying to make that the price for the WHOLE collection, but I realized it did that for each individual piece! I lowered each individual NFT price to 0.000444, but the collection as a whole is still a bit pricey in my opinion. But I’m too lazy to go through and do all of that again LOL. So these are now significantly cheaper. :)
Chest Pains
Happy Monday! It’s officially been one week on Farcaster. I’ve been documenting my Web3 journey on @drakula. I make lots of various content, check me out on other platforms! I’m always looking to connect with new people. If you’re into writing, poetry, philosophy, music, spirituality, or just enjoy deep conversations, hit me up. :) 🦋🔮🌸💜 https://linktr.ee/thespiralgoddess
Gonna start casting some stuff here! 🦋
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·16:57 05/08/2024
I made my first poetry NFT collection! This is a collection of love and heartbreak poetry written from the ages of 15 to 22. I compiled these in 2021, and they’ve just been sitting on my laptop ever since. Well, not anymore! Chest Pains is available on Zora. 🔮
1. First Job - Sonic.
2. College Degree - I dropped out 3 times, but I went for theater, music business, and philosophy.
3. Non-work hobby: Writing, singing, spirituality.
4. Introvert + Extrovert: Extrovert, hands down.
2. College Degree - I dropped out 3 times, but I went for theater, music business, and philosophy.
3. Non-work hobby: Writing, singing, spirituality.
4. Introvert + Extrovert: Extrovert, hands down.
@coopahtroopa.eth·04:56 05/08/2024
1. First Job - Umpire + Soccer Ref
2. College Degree - Music Business
3. Non-work hobby: Basketball + Meditation
4. Introvert + Extrovert: Extrovert but always thought I was an Introvert
2. College Degree - Music Business
3. Non-work hobby: Basketball + Meditation
4. Introvert + Extrovert: Extrovert but always thought I was an Introvert
I’m so excited for my first song to come out. 💜: https://drakula.app/post/d5221ee6-e4c6-4481-b6b5-1deae36b0bf9?invite=b7pzKh
Casting here, too!
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·16:57 05/08/2024
I made my first poetry NFT collection! This is a collection of love and heartbreak poetry written from the ages of 15 to 22. I compiled these in 2021, and they’ve just been sitting on my laptop ever since. Well, not anymore! Chest Pains is available on Zora. 🔮
I made my first poetry NFT collection! This is a collection of love and heartbreak poetry written from the ages of 15 to 22. I compiled these in 2021, and they’ve just been sitting on my laptop ever since. Well, not anymore! Chest Pains is available on Zora. 🔮
Looking to connect with the web3 music space!: https://drakula.app/post/0f7262c3-8b09-4132-ae99-9009919731e1?invite=b7pzKh
I’ve been documenting my journey navigating the Web3 world! Here I give you a sneak peek of the NFTs I made.
I made poetry NFTs! Day 5? 6? Of being a Web3 girlie!: https://drakula.app/post/effd77fb-e320-4e94-9a5a-2885cce29719?invite=b7pzKh
Thought I’d ask here too!
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·13:05 03/08/2024
I made a collection of visual poetry… now I’m wondering what the best way to put it onchain is. Web3 noob here!
I have my first song coming out on August 30th, and I wanna put it onchain. What’s the most effective way to do this?
Is anyone a part of the Newlife / Newcoin / Newsafe / Newforum ecosystem? I’m trying to figure it out.
There’s so many combinations of words I don’t understand.
I made a collection of visual poetry… now I’m wondering what the best way to put it onchain is. Web3 noob here!
If you like poetry, please swing by! :) https://paragraph.xyz/@thespiralgoddess
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·04:57 03/08/2024
I made a Paragraph blog! Big shoutout to @torii-stories @coolbeans1r.eth and @maretus for giving me 3 words to make poetry with!: https://drakula.app/post/46820e38-6ecf-4a0b-927f-eeb26dee9f12?invite=b7pzKh

The Spiral Goddess
Words from a divine purple light.
I made a Paragraph blog! Big shoutout to @torii-stories @coolbeans1r.eth and @maretus for giving me 3 words to make poetry with!: https://drakula.app/post/46820e38-6ecf-4a0b-927f-eeb26dee9f12?invite=b7pzKh
If you want a custom poem, go reply to this cast! I’m feeling creative today. 🦋
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·23:46 02/08/2024
Give me 3 words. If I like your words, I’ll use them to write a poem, and post the poem as a reply. 🌀💜
I summon the Egregore of Bot Or Not so that I may express my gratitude for your tenacious work and attention to detail. I am also here to give you a vow. I vow that I will work tirelessly to create quality, authentic content so that you may one day recognize me as more than a “human cast machine.” So mote it be.
I love writing poetry! Go reply to this cast with 3 words, and I might write something for you. 💜 Should I put them on @paragraph (/paragraph) as well maybe? 👀
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·23:46 02/08/2024
Give me 3 words. If I like your words, I’ll use them to write a poem, and post the poem as a reply. 🌀💜
Behind the scenes of how I record my vocals!
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·19:17 30/07/2024
Just made a @drakula video about a spontaneous Fairly Odd Parents vocal cover! This is for you @supertightwoody
Give me 3 words. If I like your words, I’ll use them to write a poem, and post the poem as a reply. 🌀💜
Day 4! Thank you all for your warm welcome. 💜: https://drakula.app/post/6eeebe1d-d438-4791-a7c4-ef04a3051802?invite=b7pzKh
What’s your favorite album of all time? Mine is Hypochondriac by Brakence, hands down.
One day, the I Understand said, “wow, I wonder what it’s like to BE.” The I Am said, “wow, I wonder what it’s like to KNOW.” Now they’re on a journey to the heart. 🌸🔮🦋💜
What’s your big 3? I’m a Cancer sun, Cancer rising, and Gemini moon. :) for the longest time I thought I was a Leo rising, but my birth time was off by 2 minutes!
Day 2 of documenting my Web3 journey! Gratitude to everyone that’s given me a warm welcome. :) Shoutout to @katwolfie.eth for providing me with an ultimate guide to Web3! I’m about to delve in right now. 😈
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·01:53 01/08/2024
I feel like I’ve been initiated into a really benevolent cult.: https://drakula.app/post/8e93dff5-b569-4151-8584-282bb31365d6?invite=b7pzKh
I feel like I’ve been initiated into a really benevolent cult.: https://drakula.app/post/8e93dff5-b569-4151-8584-282bb31365d6?invite=b7pzKh
I honestly think this is one of the best things I’ve ever created. If you like awkward funny cringe, check it out! 🌸
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·19:17 30/07/2024
Just made a @drakula video about a spontaneous Fairly Odd Parents vocal cover! This is for you @supertightwoody
Thought I’d cast here, too!
The Spiral Goddess 🌀
@thespiralgoddess·19:17 30/07/2024
Just made a @drakula video about a spontaneous Fairly Odd Parents vocal cover! This is for you @supertightwoody
Just made a @drakula video about a spontaneous Fairly Odd Parents vocal cover! This is for you @supertightwoody