

Welcome to all to discuss faiths of all kinds (or none), however way you commune with the divine.

look at this spirit plant plant give us air to breath i hope you like the photo of the plant
he is one spirit the peacock they have wonderful nature they like to show off with there birds feathers
thanks for accepting me to the group i think god is real in some ways not all ways i dont know if was powerful or not
There is nothing in a clenched fist, but the whole sky fits in an open palm🖐️
Jai Gommtesh
Jai Bahubali
Just got this book! Excited to read ❤️🐉 Always felt like I had dragon spirit guides. gonna learn more ✨
The Lord is good and his mercy endures forever.
A Decentralist prayer for Jabalia (and all those suffering around the World: O Great DAO of DAOs whose name I do not know, please let this humble Node be heard through my Vote, please give Protection to the vulnerable, Help to the needy, Hope to the desperate. Please send your Inspiration that we might turn our swords into ploughshares. So I Vote in accordance with the Immutable Contract of Consciousness. Signed and Sent.
There are no things to be done. There is only doing.
I first read this book a little over 10 years ago. It was both inspiring and planted a seed in me that would eventually lead me to the path of kriya yoga and meditation today. Today I'm picking it up to read for the second time. I'm curious to see how my understanding has changed.
I think this article is relevant to /spirituality, would love to hear your thoughts!

I love humans and all the wondrous things we get up to. The ways we fuse the ancient with the modern.


A Japanese Zen Buddhist monk beatboxing the Heart Sutra for your meditation pleasure this afternoon.
success is finding something or someone you love so much that time melts away
Fascinating and moving series of vignettes about how technology is transforming our relationship with faith
