

Onchain newsletters & publishing.

Making new friends in this space is a daily activity, and I love it. Had a chat with @arrotu on X and just subscribed to their Paragraph! 🎉
ok this is nice! i didn’t have to sign anything with my wallet to publish the article

great update👌🏻
New post: Cutting Corners - How a paper cutter saved my flowers (and my day)

Sometimes, the tool you need to solve your problem might already be sitting on the table right in front of you...
New post: Getting roasted by college students on responsible AI

Yesterday I went back to my Alma Mater to teach a 2-hour interactive lab with a mix of journalism, design, and engineering students

I was very impressed with the rigor and astute nature of the questions they asked me during the session.

So I decided to share out some of their tough questions to me on my blog, along with a few things that got me thinking
Curious - if there're any plans @colin to create a tighter integration between paragraph and new channels on FC?

I mean almost every channel owner would love to have ability to collect emails, send newsletters and get some analytics around it 🙏
GM 🫶🏾

Wondering if there are cool examples of custom embeds of paragraph articles on websites

Gracias 🙏🏽
The updated ‘read in Warpcast’ feature from Paragraph is next level good

Cheering for this team
New post: Muppet-Making for Grown-Ups

Last week I attended a lunch-and-learn event with an unusual prompt... in addition to salads on the table for everyone, they also offered art supplies to "make our own muppet."

It was a ton of fun to watch a bunch of adults slowly transition from "stuffy professionals" into "playful school kids."

Here's what I learned in watching it all play out, why us grown-ups sometimes need a little extra nudge to work creatively, and why I think we need more of this energy right now than ever
”It's not artistic research. It's business as art and within that business there's different art and artifacts...and in the core of the performing arts is of course the meeting with the audience. The business only happens when audience meet the business.”
new @paragraph admin/post features looking good. some comments

- only allows single word tags; needs at least two
- published post view is not showing the custom nav bar
- login flow to collect is too many steps; really should be able to collect without logging in
- error when trying to collect - error message can only be partially seen
short, excellent read for anyone creating anything on here 👇
Feedback for the new dashboard. Looks great. Really nice.


it just happened to me that I scheduled my post for Sunday night, as always. And when the post got scheduled, my mouse cursor was still above the scheduling button, which turned into a publishing button. And I am not sure what happened, but I clicked again and caused the post to be published.

If your goal as a UI designer is to make it easy for users to do something easily in two clicks, then you should arrange the respective buttons in the exact same place.

If you want to prevent users from accidentally publishing scheduled posts you should not turn the "schedule" button magically into the "publish" button, because chances are a click is registered in the same place.

Priding myself in consistency, what a disaster to publish the post in advance.

Also, could you respect the choice of my system theme? The dashboard is all white and bright. I cannot dim or switch to dark mode. My eyes!
with Twitter verification on /farcaster as a hot new topic, re-sharing:
"Thanks, Twitter: Why Getting Banned from Twitter was Absolutely the Best Result for Me"

Hope I don't need to write a new piece: "Decentralized Social was Fun While It Lasted" if Twitter and other centralized platforms become core social signals for decentralized social 🙏 🫶
More Memecoin Shenanigans ft. APU, Circle on Shape, Security, and ArtRun

Does Your SmartContract Qualify Your Contributions for Airdrops and Retroactive Funding?

*updated link to article
It’s a game but I ain’t just playin’.
We can all slay the art game with this new vertical, I’m sayin’.

Details on my @paragraph OBJETS blog at
Updates on /galpha

cc: @transientlabs
I just subscribed to @tinyrainboot on Paragraph! 🎉 If you know any more artists who happen to write, please send any suggestions my way!
Paragraph is one of the top domains shared on Farcaster
This Hacker's LIfe....

Just submitted my first onchain game idea to @transientlabs

cc: @paragraph /build /base /founders /base-builds /gaming
Just recently started using @paragraph and was already a very happy user but the recent lifting of the dashboard is a bomb! Will report if anything comes up!
Another suggestion for the @paragraph mini-app: include the subscribe button beside the “read” button.

Once of the biggest perks of paragraph + farcaster is the ability to instantly subscribe in feed.

Now, someone would have to subscribe in the mini app, which they may or may not be reminded before leaving & moving on
Back with another handful of hand-picked pieces of writing over the past week or so!
I think a bunch of bots are subscribing to @avie on @paragraph. Not sure what's going on. Why? 🤔
Some feedback: paragraph should by default, open links in a new page (or at the very least enable this as an option).