
@zodomo #9511

ERC721M magician | Solidity mercenary | God has mandated that money and identity be separated from state, so shall it be
580 Follower 224 Following
We just dropped Gun Game on @base two days ago and have had over 1000 games played! I wonder what the best way is to incentivize the Farcaster community to give it a try...
Share yours! The first 500 Monics revealed and shared on Farcaster will get early access to the mutable Monic NFT claim.
Click on reveal mine, then click on share.

Follow @superlouis.eth for updates.
Does anyone here know much about Aleo? Seems pretty cool, kinda like Bitcoin UTXOs + Solana's programmability, but with base layer ZK-backed privacy.
Denver's baggage claim is taking sooooo long
Nailed a banger breakfast, took my supplements, went on a mile walk, and have relocated to a public place to work from today. Despite this routine adding ~45 mins to when I start working, I think I'll do this daily from now on as this feeling is unmatched by caffeine alone.
You either perform efficiently as a specialist or as someone who adapts. I find adapting keeps things interesting personally, so that's one of the principal reasons I operate here as opposed to literally any other space.
We do a little sweeping around here
Are y'all ready for another NFT template? 😃
What are the qualifications for active status?
Can someone tip me 20 warps I'm just shy of being able to make a channel
What an absolutely crazy week! Thanks for showing your support!
Clusters killed it today!
Finally booked my flights for ETH Denver
New Devdrop: LayerZeroQuoter

I built some foundry tooling that can perform 1->N or full mesh route quote enumeration on a configurable payload! You can use LZQ to specify parameters such as: message, gas cost, destination msg.value, and which chains to test!

The commercialization of hacking ruined the internet.