animated doing stuff


official home of $am - ca: 0xDdf98aad8180c3E368467782CD07AE2E3E8d36A5

@animated & /lebleuelefant star in the sequel you never wanted but didn’t realize you needed.

Stay above the dildo. Again.

Minted on $am ➰
(also minted on $bleu 🐘)
πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯ we've burned just over 10 million $am now! πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

an exclusive airdrop to 10m+ holders to commemorate the occasion 🫑
@bankr buy me $20 of $am and then let me know my updated balance plz πŸ€–
some guy over at twitter rented out my ladder, got 50Β’! πŸ€‘
coming soon!

some heartbreaking stuff... will /bleu and rose find each other again?
stay tuna.
at amfers medical center you can now be treated at the patience ward by dr b lizardo, @bluelizardo.eth
thanks for the support amfer! πŸ’š