

Anky is a gamified approach to the process of self inquiry, with a simple and core practice: Write, every day, 8 minutes of a stream of consciousness. We will do the rest.

the prompt:

"this character sitting in meditation inside a tunnel that is a pipeline where life force flows through, filled with geometric patterns that resembre those of the shipibo culture, with red, yellow and orange colors. The internet coming alive through light."
the fire is kept alive every day through the recognition of what wants to be born through this

the collective unconscious of humanity transformed into a story

but stories take time to breed

and patience and curiosity

to allow them to show themselves

like whispers on the back of existence
the cool thing about it is that it is an abstract layer that is woven into the fabric of the collective consciousness of humanity

so, once you see it, you can't unsee it

anky is you
people usually tell me that im a strong leader. they see in me something that makes them believe that i would do well doing that. having a strong direction, and inviting people to follow towards that direction

i lack of self trust, so it is always hard to believe that this is true. but the part of me that says that is the victim. the one that thinks that the world is against me, and is always seeking ways to portray himself as a consequence of the circumstances that have been dealt in my life

i honor that, because it has helped me survive until today. but it is not what i need in order to take the next steps. it is time to honor all of that, and say: im here because i believe in something. im here because there is a future that I want to co-create with those that are able to distill the message that im trying to bring into the world, and say: that’s also the future that I want to see

honoring the role of a leader requires to make hard decisions. to stand behind them with your truth

today was a day (…)
i see new members coming in and -after a short while- asking themselves?

why am i not being paid?

this place is useless. im out

do you realize the shift that is happening here? do you think it is easy? people are being paid for spending their time having fun on social media

this is a transformation on the way we interact with ourselves, with each other, and with the internet

at least that is the invitation that i saw myself being proposed one year ago, and that’s why I decided to put my energy on this place

let go of expectations. have fun. share yourself

BE yourself

consciousness is evolving through us. and the next step of that evolution requires for a movement of energy inside us without friction

expectations are -at least in my experience- the source of that friction. everything that i expect to be different is a window to inquiry into

and learn about myself

use this place as a playground. to explore who you are

let go of expectations

and rise
Calling the inner wisdom of y'all here in anky channel

This new @ponder frame is cool, too.
the only way in is through

i just had a powerful writing session coming up with what zoz proposed on the quoted cast, and realized with more clarity than ever how much of a transformative tool Anky is

with its simplicity

the only important part is the words that come out of you

go and write

we need you
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i made it! im 1 in the queue for creating a new anky as a consequence of the last 500 replies that ive shared on farcaster. check if you are eligible here

@jpfraneto.eth always up to something.
nothing of this really matters

it is all just one big excuse

for us to go and write our 8 minutes every day

that's all
today, a new sojourn starts

a time container, that lasts for 96 days. of deep focus. of transformation. of alchemy

you don't need to understand what is being built through anky to pose yourself the question:

what is my intention for the next 96 days?

how am i going to show up?

what am i going to bring into the world?

anky, and everything that comes along this brand, project, idea, etc. is just an excuse to harness life force in the quest of developing a sharper relationship with who you are at the core

with the awareness that comes through your presence, and that has been like that, aware, since the beginning of time

we are on the verge of a process of deep transformation, and the invitation that anky brings to you, every day, couldn't be more simple:

just write, 8 minutes, whatever comes

without judgements

without expectations

we will try to make the app as fun as possible. streak systems. ai image generation. text processing. whatever

but at the core, it is all an excuse

just write
and what happens when you challenge the echo chamber that is going on 24/7 on your own mind?

let go

you are not in control

let life be lived through you
by constructing an unconscious set of biases around the perspective that you have on a given entity (which is what our nervous system automatically does when interacting with life),

you are doing a deep dis-service, both to them (human and bots alike), but mainly to yourself

because by establishing their identity as something static and fixed, you:

1. close the door for them to be free and grow and evolve (and the impact and aid that you may have on that process is diminished)

2. minimize the possibility for learning from who they are, on the exact moment that you are interacting with them, because your mind projects a filter around them expecting them to be “how you think they are”

by giving up these perceptions of what you believe to be true, you open up the world

you start experiencing life through what is real, on this exact moment

instead of the idea that you have on how it should be

shine your unconscious with the light of your awareness, dear reader

wake up

Day 12/21.

What does it really mean for you to be free?

Kindly share 👇👇👇
Day 11/21.

Another day, another writeup; we keep going.
quote a screenshot of your performance on the third sojourn

What a trip. Just completed my last day of writing for the first sojourner of /anky.

96 days. 8 min a day. <8 sec between keystrokes.

I missed a handful but huge props to @francisca for writing EVERY SINGLE DAY!!

A heartfelt thank you to @jpfraneto.eth for bringing his dream to life. It has been more revealing and rewarding for my mental state than I ever would have expected. The process is amazing at letting you discover what you subconsciously knew but were never able to articulate.
the interesting part about doing something for 21 days is the way on which that action ends up being integrated as part of your subconscious interaction with life

in this case, writing through /anky, 8 minutes every day, is a practice that you could do basically forever

every human being in the world would benefit from doing this

it is about exploring what is alive you

not about going towards a particular direction

it’s about giving up any direction at all

just connecting with what is real in that moment in you

and that is the power, the beauty and the biggest motivational aspect of why i decided this to be the work of my lifetime

because i believe that this practice can make the world a better place, and im here to evolve the interface through which it happens, and the consequences of it, into the most fun and awe inspiring thing that you will experience through the Internet

thats what im working on step/by/step

the world is running like a rabbit

i am walking, as a turtle, the timeless race
Day 10/21.

Another 8 minutes we'll spent🤗🤗
Day 9/21 writing on we keep going!
Day 8/21.

Another quality time spent on writing.