Andrei O.

@andrei0x309 #1791

Software developer, open source enthusiast, privacy advocate. Clear Wallet Open-source privacy focused wallet: https://clear-wallet.flashsoft.eu/
2352 Follower 892 Following
Great opportunity to look at some /dune /neynar data.

Here are some insights:

19 days ago I looked at two metrics:
1) total number of active fids in 24h
2) total number of massive spammers (more than 1k casts per day)

19 days ago:
Number of active fids: ~16-17k
Number of massive spammers 13

Number of active fids: ~13k
Number of massive spammers: 7

An active caster in the query is someone who did at least 2 casts, obviously in this number automated accounts also are included.

What we are missing in data is a way to find how many authorized active fids are, meaning subtracting from 13k people those that have casted using the protocol in channels where they didn't have a membership, logic tells us that this will further decrease the 13k number.

So this is a very long way of saying that, there's less activity than before.

Whether that is good or not, depends totally on the preferences of users.
This week I released Clear Wallet 1.4.7:

Some changes:
- New nicer UI and other UI changes
- Improved SIWF/SIWW ( Warpcast API, has become slow, the auth token when generated too fast takes a while to become active on WC backend, added a cache + some wait and retry logic to improve login)
- Added Network from
- Updated all deps
- Migrated to bun from yarn pkg manager
- Tweaked memory cache
- Added network(Rootstock Network) template PR from @ahsan-javaiid

And other minor things.
There are a few out-of-the-box Linux solutions packed with everything, like Modoboa, mailcow, iRedMail, etc.

The issue is that IP reputation is super important in the Email world, it will be very difficult to build that reputation otherwise 60/100 of emails will end up in spam. I did host some mail servers for a national institution years ago, and delivery was OKish but yeah you need a static IP with reverse with a high authority domain(preferably with gov status), DKIM, DMARC, SPF, whitelists and at least 1 year of good behavior.

IMO if is a small firm and is not some institution with critical privacy requirements just use an online provider, Google, or Microsoft, if you want cheaper, Zoho or Yandex.

All have mail suites.
Some large companies are moving towards svelte, and are experimenting with new products using svelte:

- Apple
- Spotify
- Ikea
- Yelp
- Brave
- Cloudflare
- Google

Made simple API(mostly for me) with stats about channels, cached at 1 hour.
Eg return:
"totalChannels": 13844,
"totalUSDChannelPrice": 346100,
"avgFollowers": 737.0605316382548,
"avgMembers": 13.347876336318983,
"totalFollowers": 10203866,
"totalMembers": 184788,
"avgMembersPerFollower": 0.01810960669220862,
"top10ChannelsByFollowers": [
"base - Base - [407437]",
"memes - Memes - [370373]",
"farcaster - Farcaster - [339363]",
"top10ChannelsByMembers": [
"replyguys - reply guys - [2267]",
"art - Art - [2257]",
"itookaphoto - I Took a Photo! - [1754]",
"wearesoearly - we are so early - [1480]",
"avgModerators": 1.1475729557931234,
"channelCreationGrowth": {
"daily": 7,
"weekly": 111,
"monthly": 327
"channelsCreatedByMonth": {
"1": 469,
"2": 3828,
"3": 1616,
"4": 2884,
"5": 1755,
"6": 1147,
"7": 613,
"8": 383,
"9": 286,
"10": 189
Has anyone tried plain `transfer` of fid on idRegsitry?

It seems that is disabled, it gives `invalid signature` even if you follow the docs.

On OP Explorer there's only `transferFor` executed recently(like 2+ months), I did try `transferFor` and it works, I made a simple repo for anybody who wants to try that https://github.com/andrei0x309/fc-fid-transfer-example

I think you should revise the docs a bit and put some links to repos with working examples there are small issues in many examples that less experienced people will find hard to pass.
Nope, not real. BTW the picture is old.

It's just a resized image displayed on the watch, here is a source from 5 years ago.

There are /no-channels I mean somebody broke the explore channel API and doesn't return anything anymore ATM.

I don't have member on /warpcast so I can't report it there.
In many ways, debt is already passed down from generation to generation, not only in the US but almost everywhere.

USA is a big factor in why this is happening, as a maintainer of the current imperialist system it will actually intervene militarily when its capitalist interests are threatened.

Nullifying/forgiving debt is something that is seen as a threat alongside other national monetary policies that smaller countries may enact.

This will remain the reality until the Empire is on its way out like all Empires before, I just hope this Empire will not drag the whole planet under the bus by not accepting its downfall.
Casting this here in case someone wants to use Airstack to validate frames inside a constrained space like Cloudflare workers made today a small open-source npm package for that.

It’s great that Cloudflare is helping people to self-host Next.js contributing to open source pkg to self-host Next.

I know Next.js is pretty used out there and self-hosting can cut costs dramatically in some cases.

They are probably doing this also as a Vercel competitor but that's a different story.

Want to be able to verify farcaster frames with /airstack inside web workers and serverless functions?

You can use this pkg I made: https://www.npmjs.com/package/airstack-frame-verify-web-light is ~7kb vs SDK which is ~5MB. Is perfect for constrained environments.

The issue is that Warpcast does not use real deep links instead it uses web links ( those that are tied to the Warpcast domain).

As such you can't capture the link on mobile without some root-level permissions which 99.9% of people won't have.

This is an issue of centralization these links should have been something like farcaster:// or fc:// to enable multiple apps to respond to them, and not have them tied to a web2 domain.
@cameron just added the join link tho this channel, alowing me and other to join, great to see we keep this /no-channel experiment open.
LOL I've not been included in /fc-devs even though I had main posts there.

IMO my advice for people that have posted in a channel, and we're not included to unfollow that channel, there's no reason to follow it if you posted before and you're not included.
I have been using this type of pill to show the channel for maybe 3-4 months on yup.live, IMO, there beside the name seems like is stuffed, better to place it at the bottom, don't think it makes much sense to be beside the name because is not directly related to the user but to the post.
I always used open static tunnels to make it easier to develop stuff, but in 2024 I got scanned much more than in previous years, either vulnerability scanning bots have multiplied or my tunnels were added to some scanning lists, I tend to believe it's the former.
IMO trending feed is very detrimental for Warpcast, same users 90/100 of the time, new users will think is advertising, is hard not to think is not based mostly on a whitelist, also admins can remove things from the trending feed how they see fit.

I've seen content be added and removed, based on the whims of individuals, that gives a super foul reputation and contradicts the idea that Warpcast differs from Twitter in the sense of picking losers and winners.

Feeds should only be global when they are based on something public, like a keyword or some community(channels), otherwise, global feeds with unknown rankings are cancer to social media.

The only good thing about trending feed is that it serves a purpose for unauthenticated users, but Warpcast doesn't work well with non-authenticated users :(.

IMO a few global feeds with clear sources like articles from Paragraph where users have over x Gitcoin passport score, or top posts from x-y-z channels by engagement are a good replacement for guest users.
Released yesterday Clear Wallet 1.4.6 with some minor updates:
- added /degen Network Template with price from CG
- added search when selecting accounts or networks
- added a small memory cache layer to limit spammy wallet requests

Other misc stuff, next version is in about a week, log in with custody account on Warcpast and log on to websites with signing in with farcaster still works.


Seen this frame trending since two days.

Loader GIF is something.

@king @v @dwr.eth

Anyway, curious about the data points and algorithm.
I learned that operating a wallet is pretty much very similar to operating a car, don't do it if you're drunk don't do it if you lack too much sleep, like your car, when you're in those states it's better to keep it locked.
I heard that @warpcast finally wants to allow any farcaster user that was not created with Warpcast to use the client.

Here is a chart flow of what Warpcast must do to allow that, I already use Warpcast this way by modifying its behavior with the account @yuptester that's not created using Warpcast.