

very small sample but interesting still
“thinker-doer” is a great term.
There are too many amazing places to live to spend 90% of the year in just one. I know there is a better way. One of the most fundamental shifts I expect to see in my life over the next few years is iterating upon this. I call it seasonal living.
The more people there are at or above your level in your organization, the narrower your work will be.
@markcarey ran a full marathon this morning and listened to my podcast the entire time. That’s a first!
Surprising but true fact.

I am a member of 16 times as many channels here (80) vs. large groups and servers on Telegram and Discord combined (5).
atf = above the fold
Everyone thinks they have good taste.
It’s their taste.
One of the luckiest moves I’ve made on Warpcast to date was casting consistently in this channel for weeks leading up to the channels update so I automatically got granted 1 of 4 memberships as part of the migration.

Otherwise, since the owner/mod is AWOL, I couldn’t have casted in here anymore.

I’m still here.
even tho I can cast here for free and I am 1 of 4 members and all my casts make the feed I still want to own and the mod the /jake channel so I can change the pfp and invite other members since @degen is inactive here, can anyone reach him?
i enjoy giving product feedback on products i enjoy.
The internet is undergoing aesthetic improvement. Please try again later.
I would like to be able to control CAPS at the username level. I prefer JAKE over Jake over jake.
That feeling that you can always do more is both a symptom of ambition and a prerequisite for success.
what if I told you the same could be true for caffeine and nicotine?

granted, at a lesser extreme.

don’t shoot the messenger…
If you're a runner, next time you find yourself running uphill, try pretending it's downhill. Really try to convince yourself to believe it. Not with logic. Just tell yourself it's downhill. Try to see it as such. You might be surprised by the results. This is generalizable beyond just running.
I have been a guest on 16 podcasts in the last 4 years, including several in the last few months. I just updated this thread which has links to all of them with a few bullets on the topics discussed in each. I believe you can get to know someone a lot better via long-form audio than short-form text. So, if you want to get to me: https://x.com/0FJAKE/status/1367142033614233600
just a vibe check on how crypto is perceived outside of crypto rn

Bitcoin came up so I asked my friend (a stock broker) as a joke:

"We still holding or crypto done for?"

his response:

"No one still has that s***"

many such cases...
If you want to experience the potency of drugs, go completely drug-free for a month and then try one at a time, in a single day dose, with a week between each. I’m not recommending any serious drugs. Just try this with coffee, nicotine, or alcohol. Potency depends on person to some degree. But don’t assume it’s a weak drug for you just because you’ve built a tolerance to it by consuming it daily.

Example test:
- go 4 weeks completely drug-free
- drink a cup of coffee
- go another week drug-free
- pack a 3mg zyn for an hour
- go another week drug-free
- drink 1 alcoholic beverage

Wouldn’t recommend trying these things if you haven’t already, much easier to never do than to never do again, but if you do one or more of those 3 it’s imo an experiment worth running that takes less than 2 months.
For how much longer will we be accessing the infinite digital world primarily through these 6 by 3 inch rectangles using our thumbs?
No matter where you are standing, there is almost always a beautiful angle to see. I am no photographer, but I imagine this must be one of the greatest lessons from photography.
I really don't have time to start another podcast right now, and that is why I must start another podcast, because there may never come a time when I feel like I have the time, and then I will never know what could have been.
If every year you had to pick your favorite mobile app you used that year, and you could never pick the same app you picked in a previous year, what are some apps you think you would have picked over the years?
good domain