

A place to cast any random memories of anything, moments, people, events, exhibitions, past history, pets, places or artwork exploring memories past and present.

Nearly 14k Tori Amos listening minutes for me this year, I thought it would be more :))
I once worked a whole ski season as a chalet maid/cook in the beautiful Village of Saas-Fee in Switzerland - I'd never been skiing before and travelled from Sicily, in shorts & T-shirt. Had no ski gear, so over the season, I patched together sone ski kit I found or was gifted by my guests. I also bought a second-hand snowboard called the 'Dominator', best time ever lol.
Only ever had a couple of photos taken over my 15-year chef career, this is one of them :))
20 Sep 24
Image taken on the 20th September 2024, from a section of LED billboard next to my house, where I’ve lived for over two decades and where I’ve celebrated this date each year. The billboard has had a significant influence on my art practice over the years.

My mesh painting process originated from attempts to playfully mimic the mechanical offset lithography process used in printed billboard posters and as the billboard printing process moved from print to digital, so has my mesh painting process.

Minting ‘20 Sep 24’ on the blockchain on 20th September 2024, provides a unique one-off time-based artwork that can never be replicated.
Saw someone threw these away. From the old days 🙂guess what they were used for?
Remembering wet, fresh-cut grass sticking to my football cleats.
I remember staying in a room like this.

A bit bigger than this with no table and a little cupboard on the side.

It was comfy and very much suitable for me at the time. I simply knew it was just me and my room.

Sometimes i do think about it and miss it. Cause there lies the place where my brain activated.

Living a life of simplicity is sometimes where vast knowledge is found. As they say, hunger can bring out the strength in you.
michelle thompson
@mich-tom·20:38 06/07/2024
Thank you Flying Beagle for collecting 'Memories of an Unknown Boy' 🖤
oupa was absolutely goated 🥃
@7parsnips·21:36 05/07/2024
This is @rusty-spoons and my Oupa.

I look at this photo a lot.
His vibe was unmatched…

Kodak /memories :))
Gabriel Nebular
@gabrielnebular·19:40 27/06/2024
shooting new memories 📽️
Earl Grey /memories
Chris Follows 🎩💎✨
@chrisfollows·14:28 15/06/2024
Thanks :}} Yes .. I first encountered Earl Grey as a teen, we'd stop at my friends step mums house before going to see football and she gave us tea. I didn't know what the fragrant smell or flavor was in the tea, I always thought she just didn't rinse her mugs out properly and it was the washing up liquid ... was some years later I discovered the truth about Earl Grey
My social media experience all started here with a CB Radio ... remember 10 lads crowded around a friends CB ...we connected with someone, a stranger less than a mile down the street, who lived at top of block of flats, we got an invite to meet and all 10 kids ended up in at their flat crowded around another CB :)) lol
@tocame·15:48 31/05/2024
lost memories
l st m mo ies *
l s o i s
* s ri * *
* *
Thank you @artmonochrome & @fluffheadchaser for being my very first ever zora collectors, much o appreciated 🙏💫🤩
Chris Follows 🎩💎✨
@chrisfollows·21:23 26/05/2024
New Collection of Volume Mesh Paintings and first on Zora - Free Open Edition :}} 🔗 👇
Love this cast by Anna in the /memories channel :}}
@annaxmalina·16:10 19/05/2024
oh wow, thank you so much!

yes! i also thought of how such worn photos store memories of the hands that touched and shaped them and the places and situations they were subjected to. their traces are in the wear of the paper, but their stories are often lost
@annaxmalina·06:56 18/05/2024
some shapes of /memories
/memories .... my first $FOMO
@vortac·09:19 10/05/2024
Thanks for your participation and the tip, Chris!
To make things more fun and as a small "thank you":
2500 $FOMO

I have an allowance today, so I want to spend it in a "useful" manner 😅
Good Morning - Scraping burnt bits of toast, sound of my childhood :}}
Does anyone else remember this band/song Luna California? .... i got into Luna around the time of my one and only trip to California many, many many years ago :))
Back to Black is actually pretty good, I'm not a huge Winehouse fan, but it's well worth a watch. I also lived in Camden, next door to the The Dublin Castle, where she did early gigs at the time Amy was on the rise, and used to see her around a lot, so the film was a bit like going down memory lane, very strange to see