

everything from how do networks emerge to how can I create a social graph of my Farcaster followers

Not sure I agree with the notion that internet = dark forest. But the article is great. Talks about social networks without being too technical and argues why this super connectivity kills culture
Ene, one of the PhDs in my team, wrote this making the link between the technical aspect of social networks and how it influences communities
Listen to it this morning on my ↑run. It started with 'building the rail roads to get resources to people' & then I could only think and see social graphs.

Have to listen to it again 😅
Did you know that you can create a social graph using pen and paper? I did a quick walk-through
A great article on biomimicry (how human networks can improve by coping nature)
After some data cleaning (everyone needs to suffer 😈 we will discussion about which class looks healthier, helping students learn better? Which one would you rather be in?

The lines represent students who talk about the class outside of class time (e.g., self-organized peer groups, whatsapp chats etc.).
Community membership via social graph visualization. The same technique is also used for fraud detection.
Maybe I should always have a cocktail before I teach? Class went fine. We talked about social networks. I managed to explain closeness centrality without turning to math (would have been easier but less effective). People didn’t seem stressed out
One of my favorite people analytics article:

Love it for their simplicity in linking a specific pattern of communication to a goal.

You want innovation? Focus on links to other teams, also outside your company.

You want efficiency? Focus on links between team members
When Alex Pentland studied the communication patterns at a call center, he recommended that teams take their coffee breaks together to build their social capital. This yielded the company $15 million in productivity gains
measuring influence in a social graph by using betweeness and closeness centrality.

Come on people, let's switch it up
A different view on vibes: vibes as the type of casts you do
Social graphs are like x-rays of your community. One picture and you can see where the problems are. One problem communities experience is fragmentation.
What would be a better influencer score
Why thinking that all is fine should be a red flag for you

watch on @drakula
Top figure: The bigger the circle, the more people the person nominated as being "difficult to work with"
Bottom figure: The bigger the circle, the more often the person was nominated to be difficult to work with.

Notice something? B is tiny in the top graph, but huge in the bottom. (1/2)
Farcasters combination of open-graph and potential for closed spaces via token-gating makes it open and safe. Assuming you can trust your gates.
Confused about your goals and "future selfs"?
1. Think about your different future selfs and their qualities, aspirations etc
2. Map them into a network aka social graph
3. Look for synergies among them

more about the research:
Farcaster's social graph edge types

- casting via any of the Farcaster clients
- minting via @zora and frames
- video via @drakula and @unlonly
Mobile phones made horizontal networks possible in North Korea.

We're used to connect with ppl no matter where they are that we don't even realize the potential crossing top-down structure like family ties, geography has