

everything from how do networks emerge to how can I create a social graph of my Farcaster followers

How to survive this bubble?

1. Make friends, not enemies
2. Coordinate actions together.

About (1) help your friends become friends with your friends' friends. And so on => so loads of gc
But it doesn't mean that you have to be the start of the party. More the opposite.

About (2) study only looked at financial transactions. ofc we could assume that delegating or being on the same multisig is also a form of coordination.
was searching for sky scanner to check flights for the US. Didn’t pay attention and ended up here. Pretty sure I know the person
Not sure I agree with the notion that internet = dark forest. But the article is great. Talks about social networks without being too technical and argues why this super connectivity kills culture
Listen to it this morning on my ↑run. It started with 'building the rail roads to get resources to people' & then I could only think and see social graphs.

Have to listen to it again 😅
After some data cleaning (everyone needs to suffer 😈 we will discussion about which class looks healthier, helping students learn better? Which one would you rather be in?

The lines represent students who talk about the class outside of class time (e.g., self-organized peer groups, whatsapp chats etc.).
Community membership via social graph visualization. The same technique is also used for fraud detection.
Maybe I should always have a cocktail before I teach? Class went fine. We talked about social networks. I managed to explain closeness centrality without turning to math (would have been easier but less effective). People didn’t seem stressed out
A different view on vibes: vibes as the type of casts you do
Social graphs are like x-rays of your community. One picture and you can see where the problems are. One problem communities experience is fragmentation.