

A channel for writers on the internet. Share your work, talk about writing & find cool stuff to read.

There are only 2 things you need to be intelligent:

1) Understand category distinction
2) Avoid word-concept fallacies
This is a nice newsletter for finding freelance gigs!
When I tried to draft a book in a month, I knew I couldn't push my writing speed much faster.

I had to look elsewhere to enhance my creative output.

Thankfully, there's a secret to finding more creative hours we can all learn from endurance spots.

gm ☕

I joined a writing club and wrote about it in my recent newsletter

Because money is an abstraction tool, and value is a subjective measure, we can grow the supply of everything to infinity so long as we can accurately measure atomic movement in parallel with crypto.
Scrapping the old draft and starting from scratch was the right choice.
some words for my word frens
I recently found that capital "I" and small "l" have a little bit different in height and thickness.

See this
I'll lIIllIIliiIlL
In sidestepping the reach of life’s inevitable discomfort, whether it’s by refusing to take bold risks or shutting oneself off from intimate connections after the sting of disappointment, is, in a way, denying life itself. 🔥 Hot take: shielding oneself from discomfort is avoiding the dues we all owe to life—the dues that come in the form of growth, wisdom, and resilience.

These dues are paid not in one sweeping gesture but through the everyday presence of ourselves to the cultivation of those rich, fruit-bearing opportunities that only sprout after we’ve planted the seeds, and after the rain has soaked through. In rejecting the discomfort, one also unknowingly rejects the very gifts, the small miracles, that we earned and are waiting to surface. It’s a quiet tragedy, 🥀 this avoidance, because while it feels like self-preservation, it’s actually a form of self-denial, a refusal to embrace the full breadth of what life can offer—the beauty, love, the growth that only willingness can bring.
Scifi novel research is definitely getting me put on a list
i received my first angry comment, complaining about my stylistic choice not to follow proper capitalization conventions.

"it's like if picasso had only created art in crayon" lmaoooo

it's my blog aND I'LL DO WHAT I WANT
If you're a fan of the work by Mathcastles (Terraforms, Angelus), this article is up your alley

A very digestible read on the concept of Hypersculptures & Composable Culture by @neokry

do you journal? do you follow any specific process, or just write stream of consciousness?
new wordsss.com work: @unichain by @uniswap

"Designed for DeFi. Powered by Uniswap. Informed by our experience building the world's largest decentralized trading protocol."

truly nobody better to turn my wordsss into a beautiful landing page than @tyj & much love to @chase & @dylanabruscato for trusting me on this
One of the quotes that hit for me from the @ethereumfilm was from Ethereum researcher Danny Ryan early in the story.

“I’m either going to work on this stuff or I’m going to live in the woods. I don’t think there’s much in-between for me.”

I wonder who else that resonates with?

It took me a long time to learn that TEXT is an art in and of itself. A poem or story being written does not make it less than a film, or a comic, or a videogame. There are certain qualities to the written word that create an experience totally unique to this medium.
Every experience, emotion, triumph, and failure we experience weaves together to create the fabric of who we are today, in the present moment. It's natural to carry pieces of it. Sometimes it feels like a well-worn coat that grows more comfortable over time

But the question that has been on my mind for some time, and the one that prompted me to write today's reflection, is:

What happens when the coat becomes too heavy?

When the weight of old mistakes, missed opportunities, or painful memories begins to define not just who we are or what we do today, but who we believe we're capable of becoming or doing tomorrow?

Approach this reflection with an open heart and a curious mind, as at the end of it, I want you to take a moment to pause and reflect on the dance between who you are today and who you were yesterday

While the past will always be part of our story, must it define the chapters yet to be written?

🔗 Link Below! Enjoy!🌹

Always tell the truth
My digital garden is called Wanderloots’ Words, a place for me to frictionlessly publish my thoughts, ideas, and knowledge online 🌱

Cultivating is my way of assessing the growth of my garden and synthesizing a summary for my readers, giving them a glimpse of growth ✨

If you’re new to digital gardening, checkout this article or the corresponding video and lmk if you have any questions 🫡

Today was the first day I really felt the benefits of my 5,000-words-a-day experiment last month.

Without trying particularly hard, I ended up hitting 4,237, an unthinkable number a few months or year ago.
Writing about the wave of AI Slop we’re about to experience. Would love some feedback!

thank you so much for featuring me alongside this excellent articles 🥹
I made a list of 30 things I value, believe, and want to remember:


breathe, don’t get overwhelmed, it all works out in the end.

How do you see yourself?