
@eduardmsmr #290249

Artist | Building /mismir | https://thehug.xyz/artists/eduardmsmr | https://mismir.com/ šŸŒ¹
600 Follower 276 Following
How could you sell something if you donā€™t love it?šŸŒ¹
Eunoia represents the state of having a pure and well-balanced mind, where clarity of thought and a good spirit coexist in harmony.

Itā€™s more than just mental clarity; itā€™s a reflection of an inner serenity and positive outlook that shapes how we interact with the world.

Cultivating eunoia means nurturing a mindset that is not only calm and focused but also generous and kind.

Itā€™s the ideal of achieving inner peace and balance, allowing us to approach life with a sense of grace and purpose.šŸŒ¹

Art is a journey, a way of communicating with myself and those around me

Itā€™s an endless exploration of the soul, a key that unlocks even the deepest chambers of our being, including the ones we have yet to discover

Art is not what you see, hear, or read. Itā€™s what you feel. Art brings peace, serenity, and a profound connectionā€”between you and your soul, and between your soul and the souls of others. Art is passion, love, and empathy

Itā€™s what gives life meaning and color, what keeps our souls alive

Art is everywhere, even in the places we least expectā€¦ Think about the way light falls on a white canvas or the sound of rain. Thatā€™s art

And the most beautiful thing about art is that it doesnā€™t belong solely to those who create it. It also belongs to those who embrace it with an open heart

Art is a bridge between souls, a connection that transcends time and space

The most beautiful of its forms? You.šŸŒ¹
One of the things that has helped me through many challenges in lifeā€”and one that I believe will be essential in achieving my dreamsā€”is my awareness that I can always improve

Iā€™m constantly open to learning, willing to listen to others, no matter my own knowledge or position. Iā€™m always eager to teach, but just as ready to learn

I donā€™t care who the source is; I believe thereā€™s something to learn from every one, no matter how insignificant they may seem (though in truth, no one is insignificant)

I never liked school. In fact, I hated itā€”it bored me

But I always knew I would remain a student for life

Iā€™m still in school, and I will never leave. It just feels different now. We should all aim to be both students and professors in lifešŸŒ¹
Itā€™s not what you have that matters most, but how you use it

You can have everything and do nothing, or have nothing and still achieve everythingšŸŒ¹
Akrasia is our struggle when our intentions and actions are at odds.

Itā€™s the frustrating gap between knowing whatā€™s best for ourselves and failing to act on that knowledge.

This lack of self-control often leaves us feeling stuck, as we repeatedly make choices that contradict our own goals and values.

Itā€™s a reminder of the complex nature of human behavior, where willpower can falter and discipline is put to the test.

Understanding akrasia helps us confront these internal battles and seek strategies to align our actions with our true intentions.šŸŒ¹

ā€œIn between fear and love, we become shadows of what could have been.ā€

Nebbia dā€™Ombra my visual manifestation of the momentā€”the crossroads where love stands still, caught between presence and absence, a fleeting shadow that could have been a flame.

A piece that speaks to those moments of near-touch, of potential left in the fog, and of the quiet beauty found even in what remains untold.

Available for collection on Mystic Garden

1/1 | 14153 $BONSAI reserve

24h auction upon first bid | 555 minimum bid increments | 10% royalty


Thank you!šŸŒ¹

Competition often serves the ego, giving us the illusion that it will lead us to where we want to be

True progress comes from collaboration

While competition can motivate us, collaboration aims for the highest possible outcome

When we genuinely cooperate with others, whether individuals or entities, we create something greater than ourselves

Competition can be healthy when we compete to win, not to make others lose

So, collaborate moreā€”for when we work together, we all move forwardšŸŒ¹
If you want to learn something about someone, send them a piece of art, whether itā€™s made by you or someone else

The way they talk about it will reveal more about themselves than you could imaginešŸŒ¹
Sonder is the quiet epiphany that washes over you when you realize that every person you encounterā€”whether a fleeting stranger or a familiar faceā€”carries within them a world as rich and intricate as your own.

Their joys, struggles, dreams, and fears are as profound as yours, even though they remain unseen, hidden beneath the surface of their everyday lives.

It's a humbling reminder that we are all the main characters of our own stories, yet mere background figures in the vast narratives of others.

In this realization, thereā€™s a deep, unspoken connection, a shared humanity that binds us all.šŸŒ¹

A simple gesture that has had such a big impact on me today

It may not mean much to you, but to me, it means the world

Having someone resonate with and love what Iā€™m aiming to create through a project Iā€™ve poured my soul into is something words canā€™t fully express

Thank you so much, @ph0enixd0wn.eth

Your gesture wonā€™t be forgotten! šŸŒ¹
True luxury is not about buying expensive things; itā€™s about living in a way where we appreciate things.

This belief of mine goes beyond fashionā€”itā€™s a way of living. As someone passionate about fashion, I want to use it as an example to show you why this statement holds true for me, and why I believe it can enhance our lives in countless ways.

If I sell you a T-shirt for $3000, you might call it luxurious. But if I sell you the same T-shirt for $20, you probably wouldnā€™t think of it as luxury anymore, simply because society wouldnā€™t label it that way. But who or what defines luxury? Is it the brand label sewn into the collar? The price tag?

I believe that a $20 T-shirt can be just as luxuriousā€”perhaps even more soā€”than the $3000 one. Why? Because its true worth liesā€¦

Donā€™t overthink itā€”just do it and see what happens

There are only two outcomes: either it works, or you get closer to making it work

In the process, you learn something new, make a connection, or gain some insight

Everything is worth a shotšŸŒ¹
On this beautiful Sunday, I just want to let you know that whatever you may be going through, youā€™ve got this!

Times may be tough, and you may be facing challenges that you didnā€™t expect or never wanted, but everything that comes your way carries a deeper purpose

Every challenge is meant to make you stronger and bring you closer to the person you are and want to become.

You need to understand that there is no light without shadow, and no shadow without light. Itā€™s not the things that happen to us that define us, but the way we decide to react to them

You are strong! Search deep within your soul for the strength you need to overcome thisā€”youā€™ve got this!

If you need any kind of support, I am here!

Feel free to reach out to me, as I am more than happy to assist you in any way I can to help you feel better

Youā€™ve got this!

You are loved and cherished!

Thank you, and have a blessed day!šŸŒ¹
Itā€™s the chef who stirs love into every dish, the painter whose emotions bleed onto the canvas, the craftsman who shapes wood with reverence.

Meraki is the entrepreneur's sleepless nights, the teacher's patient explanations, the gardener's tender care for each seedling.

It's the invisible thread that connects creator to creation, infusing the mundane with magic and the ordinary with the extraordinary.

Meraki is the rebellious act of individuality, the whisper of the soul that says, ā€œThis is me. This matters.ā€

It transforms work into legacy, turning every task into a canvas for the heart. Meraki doesn't seek perfection, but authenticity.

It's not about the result, but the essence poured into the process. When you live with Meraki, you don't just doā€”you become.

And in that becoming, you leave an indelible mark on the world, one passionate creation at a timeā€¦šŸŒ¹

Music, fashion, poetry, and all forms of art unite us, allowing us to move and live as one

Art strips away the surface differences that often divide us and reveals our true selves

It reminds us that, despite our differences, we are more alike than we realize, fostering connections that transcend those divisions

I believe these connections last far beyond a single conversation or event. They leave an imprint on our subconscious, and the memories created through them are everlasting

Appreciate art more. Cherish artists morešŸŒ¹
For some time, Iā€™ve become obsessed with gaining as much knowledge as possible. Iā€™ve embraced learning about everything and expanding my mind

While I still view this as a positive purpose, Iā€™ve experienced situations where my knowledge has blocked me from moving forward

I became so attached to what I knew that I was blind to other insights that were, at times, even more valuable

Thatā€™s when my curiosity kicked in. Driven by a desire to explore, I was able to break through this barrier

What I want to emphasize is that sometimes not knowing is more powerful than knowing

Regardless of how much we know, we should approach our endeavors with a sense of ignorance, as it is in that space that we find the curiosity needed to reach our goalsšŸŒ¹
Just as the loom revolutionized fashion production in the 19th century, blockchain and Web 3 technologies will usher in the next great era of fashion innovationšŸŒ¹
After the dust settles, only humanity remains.

HumanitƩ InaltƩrable.

An invitation for you to face and contemplate the lingering effects of our decisions, and to understand that, ultimately, our true value is determined not by our victories, but by the compassion we show to one another

Thank you!šŸŒ¹


HumanitƩ InaltƩrable. | Available for collection on Foundation.

Sarah always relied on her trusty alarm clock to wake her up for work. One morning, she was startled awake by sunlight streaming through her window. Panicked, she realized her alarm hadn't gone off.

ā€œOh no! I'm going to be late!ā€ she cried, rushing to get ready.

As she hurried down the street, thirty minutes behind schedule, Sarah noticed an elderly woman struggling with heavy grocery bags. Normally, Sarah would have been too focused on getting to work to stop. But today, she paused.

ā€œLet me help you with those,ā€ Sarah offered, carrying the bags to the woman's nearby apartment.

ā€œThank you, dear,ā€ the woman said gratefully. ā€œI'm Ellen. Would you like a cup of tea?ā€

Sarah hesitated, then smiled. ā€œI'd love one, Ellen.ā€

Over tea, Ellen shared stories of her life and offered Sarah wise advice about following her dreams. As Sarah left,ā€¦

Everything we doā€”whether an action, a creation, or anything elseā€”is just a chapter of our story, not our entire story

I share this because Iā€™ve often found myself trapped in regret or stuck in a moment for too long, forgetting that what Iā€™ve done or created doesnā€™t define me; it reflects who I was and what I was feeling at that moment in time

Itā€™s simply a chapter of my story that I need to detach from; otherwise, the rest of my story will be written from the cage in which I am trapped.

Whatever you do, move on. Donā€™t regret it. Enjoy it

Embrace it, as it is a chapter of your storyā€”one without which the rest would remain a mysteryšŸŒ¹
You can approach X one way and Y another, but there will always be something that connects them

Thereā€™s a common path in how you engage with different aspects of your life

I often find myself doing things I donā€™t love, yet I still manage to put my soul into them and find pleasure in the process

This isnā€™t just because they are essential to my journey; itā€™s simply how I choose to treat everything I do

The more I try to detach myself, the more I discover my soul naturally finds its way into those tasks.

This realization has taught me that the way I do anything is the way I do everythingšŸŒ¹
Fashion teaches us that individuality is what truly sets us apart. Consider fashion trendsā€”many follow them, but only a few truly stand out. What sets them apart?

Their unique essence. They understand that fashion is who they are, and who they are is fashion.

In life, to truly stand out, one must embrace their authentic self. Society often presents trends that many feel compelled to follow, aiming to conform.

However, it is those who defy these norms, those who choose authenticity over conformity, who truly stand out.

So, in life as in fashion: Create your style. Wear it with pride. Be the trendsetter.

Wear Your Truth.šŸŒ¹
