adeolu adeyemo
@ade #191469
i make documentaries about musicians and distribute them on joko [www dot joko dot xyz]
89 Follower 70 Following
alhamdulillah for being black and being a part of such an amazing culture
crypto needs a kendrick moment cos this shit ain’t it
sometimes i experience things that are so good that i intentionally try to make them last as long as possible cos i don’t want them to end
i understand focusing on on-chain metrics, but blockchain foundations choosing to prioritize “number of transactions” for projects to support is only going to lead to more trash use-cases like the ones vcs are currently polluting the space with.
prioritize innovation and impact, and then consider transactions
prioritize innovation and impact, and then consider transactions
there’s this idea that every business venture needs to operate at scale, but i don’t think so
some of my favorite brands like teenage engineering and bang & olufsen do not mass produce their products
many great things are made in smaller quantities and that’s okay
some of my favorite brands like teenage engineering and bang & olufsen do not mass produce their products
many great things are made in smaller quantities and that’s okay
alhamdullilah for music that keeps me going when things are turbulent 🤲🏽
unable to redeem usdc for cash in my @coinbase for over 24hrs. support just says to keep trying and it will work eventually. this is unsettling to say the least. feels like my funds are being held hostage
you’ll likely lose some friends during the “friends and family” round
communication is 90% accountable for the success or failure of any (work, romantic, business...) relationship
timing and delivery largely dictate the outcomes
timing and delivery largely dictate the outcomes
decentralization is not a necessity for most products. it is also rare and technically challenging to achieve full decentralization
watched top gun today. feeling a bit inadequate as a man.
my peers are flying fighter jets on high profile missions and i’m here chasing fkn meme coins
my peers are flying fighter jets on high profile missions and i’m here chasing fkn meme coins
eid mubarak 🤲🏽
maybe i’m just not understanding it, but frames feel like (elaborate) links to me
…so many adventures

sunlight on the water, far as i can see
when i started doing customer discovery interviews a couple years ago dap was the first artist i interviewed
the first person to give me the real perspective of what being a musician felt like
i’m one of his biggest fans
visualizer for “everything is everything”
the first person to give me the real perspective of what being a musician felt like
i’m one of his biggest fans
visualizer for “everything is everything”
really like the most recent mix. transition between “everybody bleeds” to “i’ve been coughing blood” is gold
friendly reminder to self - this is an echo chamber. prioritize independent thinking and touch grass while at it
hello @jessepollak , i have some questions (technical and business related) about building on base and was wondering if you could please point me to the right person to connect with.
…not anymore, kinda lame now