Nadia Pe
@chayna #416502
The pearl of my impressions from real life to crypto..
1008 Follower 422 Following
Marlene Dietrich took only the essentials with her on the trip. Do you do that too?
Actress aboard the SS Normandie, 1936.
Martin Munkácsi
Actress aboard the SS Normandie, 1936.
Martin Munkácsi
A toddler at the grocery store yelled GM at me. 👶📢
You didn't choose this cast, 🔵 @basefrens 🔵 chose it for you.
You didn't choose this cast, 🔵 @basefrens 🔵 chose it for you.

GM frens! 🌟 Just completed my daily Web3 ritual on Monad Testnet! Join me at OnChainGM and start your journey: https://onchaingm.com?ref=0x39fd7088530491Af658A3337B338627C35044E74
#OnChainGM #Web3 #DailyRitual #MonadTestnet
#OnChainGM #Web3 #DailyRitual #MonadTestnet
I just minted my Faces of Farcaster. A custom, onchain art collection exclusively for Farcasters by @harmonybot and @sayangel
The frosty clean air, the night lights, crisp white snow, lots of snow, the happy beautiful people around. Life can be so good 🎿❄️
"Because in the end, you won't remember how much time you spent in the office or mowing the lawn. So get up the damn mountain already.",
— Jack Kerouac, American poet and writer. From the book "Dharma Bums". /quotes
Ad for Opel Kapitäl, 1952
— Jack Kerouac, American poet and writer. From the book "Dharma Bums". /quotes
Ad for Opel Kapitäl, 1952
Miu Miu has already released the 5th collection of the Upcycled line. The brand continues its eco-friendly agenda of recycling and reuse of materials.
The new drop includes jackets, dresses with lace, and especially heart-warming knitwear made from yarn remnants of the brand's archive.
So feel free to untie old sweaters and knit new bags, sneakers, or maybe a new old sweater. 👌🏼
The new drop includes jackets, dresses with lace, and especially heart-warming knitwear made from yarn remnants of the brand's archive.
So feel free to untie old sweaters and knit new bags, sneakers, or maybe a new old sweater. 👌🏼