Kim Asendorf
@kimasendorf #263450
Digital Expressionism
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latest: https://alternate.cx
3501 Follower 319 Following
Inside PXL DEX: How Kim Asendorf Tokenized the Building Blocks of Digital Imagery
Upcoming solo show in Bangkok
COMPLEX / / / 29—30 March
Goethe Institute Thailand
COMPLEX / / / 29—30 March
Goethe Institute Thailand
32k pxl frontal view
1 O 2 4 P X L
256px [1735505557939]
256px [1735505935483]
1 0 0 p x l s
Sabotage at Electric Op
Drawing on the Buffalo AKG’s leading collection of dazzling Op art, Electric Op brings together more than one hundred artworks by nearly ninety artists to trace the six-decade relationship between geometric abstraction and electronic art and culture. Dynamic paintings, sculptures, and prints are placed into dialogue with analog videos and computer-generated images and experiences, demonstrating how Op became “Electric” and heralded the rise of the Information Age.
Opening September 27, 2024, at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum.
Curated by Tina Rivers Ryan
Drawing on the Buffalo AKG’s leading collection of dazzling Op art, Electric Op brings together more than one hundred artworks by nearly ninety artists to trace the six-decade relationship between geometric abstraction and electronic art and culture. Dynamic paintings, sculptures, and prints are placed into dialogue with analog videos and computer-generated images and experiences, demonstrating how Op became “Electric” and heralded the rise of the Information Age.
Opening September 27, 2024, at the Buffalo AKG Art Museum.
Curated by Tina Rivers Ryan