Matt Lee

@mattlee #6591

Builder of software and songs. Music, Blog, Website: https://www.mattlee.world/links
5075 Follower 1168 Following
The fact that it’s widely accepted that confidence is beneficial is basically proof that the law of attraction is real. All you need to do is write the life story you want and become fully convinced that it’s real. If you believe the story, others will too.
There is nothing more true than the intuitions you have that confuse and scare your brain
As long as you gracefully accept the no and are respectful, it’s totally acceptable to ask for almost anything
If sonata were a full featured fc client with embedded audio I would probably use it instead of warp
What makes this new bon iver song sound so good?
Writing songs is so fun
I just signed in for the first time in a while and I’m not seeing my degen balance or creator tokens. Is it gone?
I am suddenly interested in degen again but not sure why
Does anyone here experience synesthesia? (Meaning you have a strong association between colors and sounds) Please reply or DC if so. I'd love to speak with you regarding a really fun project I am working on!
Just tried to report a cast but accidentally gifted warps instead, hilarious UI decision putting those next to each other I support it
Copyright law is one of the most amazing innovations of all time. Pure magic.
Would anyone be interested in a weekly virtual Farcaster open mic?
Indirect language is a form of dishonesty. A very widely accepted one
Thank you for your feedback
You use “chords” and “melodies” in your music. I use a single note. We are not the same
Become what you are most afraid of becoming
Courage devotion humor and empathy
I am going unhinged so that I can eventually reattach my hinges in the correct place. Please bear with me
The public’s negative sentiment towards tech is so confusing to me. It’s just an insanely profitable industry which produces things that barely benefit anyone what’s not to like?
The mind cannot reliably discern truth from lies. Only the heart can do that
Refusing to constantly spend money is a faux pas of the highest severity
The revolution will not be streamed
I used to feel very free on Farcaster because it was just internet friends. Now that I know so many of you in real life I have the same anxiety about posting as with the other apps