
@nanako #249746

练习时长两年 Web3 OP&BD @tako 🫗 /euphoria
294 Follower 64 Following
发起了一个价值50🔪的小rounds测试一下(非官方但钱是真的🤣 🤣
赚250🔪就要强行发币 👀 看看接下来怎 reward real contributors & weaken farmers
“What will help Farcaster to gain more quality daily active users?” 🤔
重大利好! 是谁要麻了! 🥲
小长假收心开始研究wc改版后的channel...真是💩...(这是能说的吗 🫢 🫢
突然对这个想法有些许的改变 大家需要的似乎更多是一个情绪的宣泄口 无论是对于感兴趣的事积极辩论 还是对不公的愤愤不平
报告长官 一号炮兵已就位 🫡
Thoughts on competitive product research: Only after comparing, you will understand how great @tako is doing now 👀
2023: $26,533
只怪自己当初信仰不坚定 🤧 🤧
Pretend I was there 🙂‍↔️
OMG I'm so lucky! Thanks @xcasttech @jamesx !
For users whose first language is Chinese, @tako Takocast is definitely the best choice! 🫧
对于以中文为第一语言的用户,@tako Takocast一定是最好的选择!
Live to eat beautiful food
此时 一只可爱的小运营 在无人在意的角落 轻轻的碎了
If @tako has a million fans, then I am one of them. If @tako has ten fans, then I am one of them. If @tako has only one fan, then that is me. If @tako has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against @tako, then I am against the world. 🔫
就真是按照bio和cast内容给的...终于不是「30-something male developer」了🥲
工作暂停!让我们恭喜这位女士(本人),在26岁全款拿下心仪的Basename!💃 💃
安卓用户可以在warpcast上发视频,而苹果用户不行, @warpcast 你是有什么心事吗?
需求来了, @tako 给搞个抽奖action吧 🎟️