Noun 40

@noun40 #1097

cofounder/cto @ bitwise
339735 Follower 239 Following
i’m now officially on the zora app. loaded some eth. minting everything from nouns folks.

it’s not exactly bound (isn’t scoped to mints that share rewards back to the nouns treasury) but the minting UX is FINALLY exactly what i ever hoped for (double tap; no fuss)

reply if you’re actively posting on zora and i should follow you!
@latsko.eth you should bring back butter and allow payments in $nouns!

then if nouns fans earn $nouns combined with the recent smart wallet developments where they can pay gas with erc 20s it would allow someone to buy buy a hat / hoodie from your store without even having to onboard to any fiat onramp to get eth

just straight $nouns to merch. all self-custodial. the dream.

same for you @bigshotklim! or @nouncoffee!

a casual fan earning enough $nouns to get to a full noun would be hard. but getting to a point where you can get a hoodie or toy or coffee should be reasonably attainable even with just like a few well-liked casts on /nouns with the $nouns @rounds
@rocketman looking for thoughts on what the top level buckets should be for the new flows funding mechanic

everyone please share your thoughts!
oh wut. there’s even more parallels with nouns and magic the gathering 🤯
love the idea of nouns creating new and better inclusion parameters than the existing ones in existing subcultures

one dynamic just ppl sharing something in common (nouns) that leads them to feel a shared belonging and see past the normal stereotypes. another is actual physical gatherings (eg nouns town) and digital gatherings (this channel) that mash these subcultures together

tbh this is one of the things i love most about nouns. my life is much more full of interesting subcultures and ppl as a result of nouns. you can also see it happening everywhere. like smash esports players stayed more days to come to the film festival and come to dreamland and that included them in new spaces that they normally would not be in and they loved it
recently found out that @patyiutazza and @krel are both life long magic the gathering fans (yet another subculture)

both felt that hasbro (huge toy company) buying the rights to the game back in 1999 was clearly bad for fans

the more i’m looking at the world in this lens the more financial misalignment i see between subculture fans and traditional corporate ownership that lands on those subcultures

nouns and crypto at large should explore if long term sustainably fan aligned forms of value capture and governance is possible for these subcultures

the objective function is different from traditional c corps. it’s not maximizing shareholder profits. it’s being financially sustainable (likely modest growth for long stretches of time) while maintaining the integrity of the culture for fans. the tough part is credible and durable governance without something objective like profits as a north star.
new funding meta just dropped 👀

i’m very curious to see how this evolves. at a high level i think it’s much needed and very differentiated from the prop by prop yes/no majority voting since that’s governance energy intensive and isn’t a continuous stream of funding.

with flows we can fund non consensus ideas (some money will start to be streamed to things only a minority is interested) and it can be for lower amount continuous funding needed things. i think this is good for plurality in nouns and also just lowering barrier to entry as a builder.

it’s a pretty intricate thing so curious to see how it works in nouns and what new things get funded through this 🙌
must read if you want to understand what the nouns esports team is REALLY trying to achieve beyond just winning games:

proving out that a more transparent, financially sustainable, and fan aligned esports org is possible

one that doesn’t exist now and might not have been possible before crypto

these are the types of fan-led subculture dreams i’m excited for nouns to enable 🙏

also thank you @matchaxyz for being a big supporter / sponsor of this dream alongside nouns. cc @amir
i think this framing of nouns existing to support subcultures is very powerful

it provides a pretty strong WHY for nouns’ reason of existence that feels pretty authentic to what’s actually happening

there’s a lot of cultural activity in this world that doesn’t fit neatly into something that can be venture funded or charity funded

nouns aims to fill those gaps in a bottoms up fans led way

i also saw this mission resonate deeply with @krel personally as someone who’s rooted for niche subcultures his whole life which i felt was a good litmus test

(photo of him getting the noggles tattoo!)

what’s most important for nouns is that nouns MEANS something to its superfans.

if it does and if it’s pushing the world along in that shared meaning then the superfans will fund nouns and keep it going. that shared meaning more than the dao or any legal entity is what pushes nouns forward.
yes! receiving and spending "fan money" (zora says "art coin" these days?) can be a light way all nouns fans can support their fandom

i also think we should make a "fan stream" product where nouns fans can passively DCA into the fan money at a low (non-investment) amount daily. it's like patreon but powered by and more incentive aligned through crypto
too many thoughts from nouns town LA the past week…

working on an essay titled “nouns is a subculture superbrand” but wanted to get some early thoughts out now

there’s something really special happening here where all these subcultures (esports, animation, skateboarding, breakdancing, toy making, indie music, specialty coffee, etc) are melding together into a larger whole

a shared economic force and community identity

a world where nouns wins is a world where subcultures thrive. where subcultures can find funding to survive. where subcultures can fend off the dullness of corporate capture. where fans of subcultures can have more sovereignty over their fandom

⌐◧-◧ in this world becomes a symbol of supporting subcultures. celebrating subcultures. the things that make life beautiful and worth living. the things humans will still be doing and obsessing about even in a AI-powered post-scarcity world

on my way to LA for nouns town / fest ✈️ excited to meet everyone IRL!
i’m going to be there. all nouns fans that can make it should come!

it’s going to be a special 1st year of this annual IRL gathering tradition.
discourse around DUNA seems to be focused around the downsides (added KYC requirement to grantees)

imo DUNA's massive upsides are:
- reducing tax risk
- providing limited legal liability to members

while still allowing:
- members to remain anonymous (privacy)
- explicit voting rights to members

if there are other avenues to achieve the above without any compromises then that would be wonderful, but as far as i know at the moment DUNA is unique in offering the above properties with limited compromises (paying taxes in the US, KYC req for grantees).

more thoughts continued 👇
i have a LOT of thoughts re why DUNA. dying to jump into the discourse. just haven’t had the proper time window opening.

but eyeing saturday morning this weekend as my entry point! see you in /nouns-duna (will aim to go through the whole channel so leave all thoughts there 🙏)
LOVE this idea. nothing more important in keeping the nouns pulse alive than IRL meetups of die hard nouns fans. incentivizing and celebrating it via rounds feels like such a no-brainer.
i’m very supportive of this direction but the wyoming DUNA isn’t without its own tradeoffs and challenges so ppl should read the full blog post and share thoughts!

also just a reminder disclaimer is that i’m on the foundation as an independent board member. not a nounder and wasn’t involved in nouns inception. never paid by the foundation. own two nouns personally. in sum i’m just a nouner and nouns fan and wouldn’t support any foundation work that i didn’t personally think is good for nouns.
very excited for this direction.

after 3 years of nouns governance a thing i feel strongly is that majority voting (while still the best thing we have for large lump sum decisions) doesn’t work well for smaller scale non consensus ideas and tends to feel opaque to newcomers

if we want more free competition of ideas at smaller iterative scales then these types of funding mechanisms where majority consensus isn’t needed to get started but then gradually get more and more funding come your way as consensus is built and the idea out competes others is a great direction

it will also reveal in more real time and non majority dominated way what nouners think are worth funding (is it more esports? more animation? plushies?). there could also be some buyer attribution based on what a new nouner immediately chooses to stream to.

just a lot of potential for nouns funding to become more well rounded, more legible, and more fun (majority voting governance drama is fun to sum but not all). excited!
love this! needs more project writeups but directionally feels right
for example, nouns could fund a network school scholarship program where we pay for the $1000/mo rent (the “tuition”) for a number of builders in our community to attend the school with less financial burden

more context on the network school in this tweet by @balajis.eth https://x.com/balajis/status/1824533037780201580?s=46&t=I3GMmn9RqMp26z1dExtLuA
nouns x based
don’t know if prop 608 is going to pass but i think @carlosjmelgar identified something real here

network societies / popup cities and nouns are a natural fit and nouns folks should meet up at these cities to naturally spend time and work and hang out together and the dao should help create and coordinate inviting spaces for them to do so

i’m just saying that while the focus of the prop as written is about onboarding new ppl to nouns i would also be happy to subsidize exisiting nouns fans to come and enjoy and experience these new spaces and contribute to what they become
excited to share today that bitwise acquired etc group!

they are an exceptional team that manages the largest spot bitcoin ETP in europe (BTCE)

this deal:
- brings bitwise's AUM >$4.5B
- expands our market to EU
- allows us to offer more products (e.g. ETH staking ETP, solana ETP)

grateful and excited for what's ahead —
writing thoughtful NOs like this take a lot of effort. you don’t get much out of it either. it’s truly a labor of nouns governance love. props to @frog 👏👏