agoston nagy

@stc #7048

coding, algorithmic art, workshops stc.github.io
171675 Follower 510 Following
analogue pixel weaving at the textile department of our campus * <3
The institutions of Resolution Disputes (i.R.D.) — by Rosa Menkman

◼️◻️ — 18 #monochrome-monday #mono

A manifesto in the form of 5 institutions, encrypted in DCT. Includes decryption key!!! View [pdf] on /teia https://teia.art/objkt/476451

Mimetype: application/pdf
Rights: None (All rights reserved)
Mint date: 26 Oct 2021, 20:00
Fragmented Memory / Glitch Textiles (Philip Stearns, 2013)

— woven tapestries whose patterns represent a snapshot of the author computers’ physical memory

"With quantum physics, physics acquired a philosophical dimension. We are not measuring the world as quantum physicist Neils Bohr said, we are creating it. [...] Consciousness is a vital part of this physical system, which should no longer be considered as a mechanical construction, but as a living organism whose individual parts are interconnected by an energetic communication system."

in: Ursula Biemann – Forest Mind: On the Interconnection of All Life (Spector Books, Leipzig)
Open Call for 'Algorithmic Pattern' conference - highly recommended, lovely initiative run by Dave, Alex & other friends

Apply by June 2nd / Image - The Crochet Protocol by Julia Vollmer (algorithmic pattern salon, 2023)

Strange Attractions (United Visual Artists, Kunsthalle Praha, 2024) https://www.uva.co.uk/features/strange-attractions
'AURA' ◼️◻️ — 17 RX/TX

A black & white photo of the package that holds the remaining pieces of my series ‘PROCEDURAL DRAWINGS’

..which were exhibited as part of the group exhibition THE PATH TO THE PRESENT, 1954–2024. On view at EXPANDED.ART in Berlin from 2 July – 7 SEPTEMBER 2024.


'Reality is not Always Probable' - Troika, 2017

"Constructed from tens of thousands of white dice and generated, line by line, by manually emulating the rules of a simple computer binary program. Its title references a quote by Jorge Luis Borges and men’s disquiet towards a lack of controllable or predictable events and the belief that complete knowledge is impossible."

tur1ng (2022)
turn 🔉 on
a recent co-creation 3x3 computer-vision coffee-grid featuring @olgaf, @francoisegamma, @oxis, @mariuswatz and the algorithms
notes on protocols, language and cryptography —

"People who work in cryptography often talk about trustless protocols, but what they mean is: cryptography scales trust. At the most abstract level, cryptography allows us to replace other forms of trust with trust in math. Or put another way, the trust isn’t eliminated. It just moves to a different part of the system, a part which can be scaled."

Less Lines Iteration I I I / X I I has been sold yesterday on @foundation
released on Ethereum L1 OG ⚡ - time soon to roll out the remaining pieces of the series

turn 🔊 on
'Adam' by @sableraph ◼️◻️ — 16

Contribution for this week's #monochrome-monday from my Hic et Nunc OG collection - make sure to see live version on the link below ↓

"An artwork that erases and overwrites itself gradually as more money is spent on it. This piece also looks different for each collector based on how many editions they own. Reload the page to see the changes."

Native format: 2000×2000 pixels (fullscreen mode is recommended)
Released: August 2021


lost & found studio treasure - large scale polargraph drawing from 2019
r3s0 (2023)

"A resonance field, investigating algorithmic latent space. Recursive noise function, binary pattern fills. Custom software, animation, no sound."

Milton's Rainbow - Colors, Language and How We See the World 🌈 https://arbesman.substack.com/p/miltons-rainbow
screen cash (313e3e)
"Generative AI for Textile Engineering: Blending Tradition and Functionality Through Lace" https://mit-genai.pubpub.org/pub/nz0prx2u/release/2

Very interesting concepts, algorithms and extensive historical context from mnemonic knotting devices to high precision looms and 3d printing

While browsing over the whole mit-genai.pubpub.org site, just realized my curiosity keeps resonating more intensely with topographical qualities of textile materials, mnemonic devices and different forms of text and language
Morisawa 10 by John Maeda, 1996
◼️◻️ — 15 #monochrome-monday #mono

Composed in the Adobe PostScript language (the predecessor to SVG), this set of pieces won the honor of the Tokyo Type Director’s Club Gold Prize and were later accessioned into the permanent collection of the Museum of Modern Art in New York.

just added 'modulo space' to the generative section of the site https://stc.github.io/g-a/
an inspirational overview of some post-processing shaders and their usage as a creative medium — beautifully crafted, interactive article
