
@pedropregueiro #5781

dev. founder. yc alum. building /camp (nouns.camp) ⛺️
77626 Follower 160 Following
VWR drafts (incl. replies and selected reposts) are now locally stored until you're ready to submit them onchain.

No more lost changes during refresh or bad internet connection! 🕺
For the time being, we disabled camp's auto-housekeeping transaction for topping up the payer.

New USDC props will register a new debt and get paid once the liquidity issue is solved.
We're seeing an issue where many upcoming props asking for USDC will fail to execute.

Due to an existing USDC debt at creation time, the ETH to USDC conversion tx that Camp automatically adds was quite high. Unfortunately, the DAO's current low liquidity (~258 ETH) will block those props, even if they pass.
We added some basic flows.wtf activity to the feed. For now, only shows top-level allocation of votes by nouners/delegates. Later we can add more info if ppl like it!

Reminder: as with other feed items, you can filter these out if too spammy 🙈
You can now use the navbar breadcrumb to quickly navigate to other proposal pages. No more going back and forth to the home page to do this.
experimenting with @vercel/og + frame when sharing props without images 👩‍🔬

Q: how does @warpcast decide when to show an expanded frame Vs. the collapsed version with the View/Mint button? So far I found it happens when:

1. there's another image or link
2. quote casts
3. frame URL only in cast.embeds[], not the cast body

And, is there a way to control this with the frame `fc:` metatags?
how do you make it so that a frame shows up like this in the cast, instead of fully loaded?
New in camp: Stream listing and withdrawals

Accessible from profile dropdown or proposal page, if you have past or ongoing streams.
Proposals with streams will now show their vesting status under requested funds.
new drop ️️⛺
Nouns clients dashboard

- focused on proposals and votes
- any feedback or new ideas welcome!
anyone else struggling with using rainbow on sepolia? transactions take a looooooot of time.. using a different wallet, same tx takes seconds 🤷
test comment from other client (non-camp)
try again with smileys 😅
Feels good to get back at it! 🫡
if you have any questions or complaints about Farcord, feel free to reply to this cast and I'll help you out the best I can!
experimenting with a new thread view that shows all casts
ok, now I really need the ability to mute users 🙊