Nouns Camp


Changelog and support channel for ⛺️

You can now use the navbar breadcrumb to quickly navigate to other proposal pages. No more going back and forth to the home page to do this.
Camp search now got limited support for matching accounts. Thanks to @datadanne.eth for driving this one!
I **think ** this is an ongoing camp bug where when you bold text and then submit it onchain a space is introduced and therefore the formatting breaks. noticed a few props with this issue over the last couple months
sale info looks misleading when people buy multiple nouns in one tx (in particular when you are on someones profile)
I think it'd be cool to support UNS domains alongside ENS domains. 🤔
camp feed is clean! can you make it realtime? or is that too much to ask
experiencing this error on Chrome and Safari using coinbase wallet. connected via wallet app QR code scan on Safari and browser extension on Chrome

maybe user error though idk
love seeing auction data on the feed @ /camp
It’d be cool to share vWR as a link with an OG image showing the vWR itself. Probably not at the top of the list, but still something to think about. Right now, we’re mostly sharing screenshots of vWR regularly. 🤔
sorry for the spam, i think it will be helpful
New Camp thing —

We added Auction events (winners, bids) to the main feed. You can toggle this on/off via the dropdown menu.

We also added delegation, transfers and secondary sales events to the feed, to make snooping that much easier. This too, can be toggled at will.
i wish we could use camp UI to do the propdates, the ease of copy pasta for both images and other forms of editorial capability is kinda dope
experimenting with @vercel/og + frame when sharing props without images 👩‍🔬
Another little tweak from @datadanne.eth:

The timeframe selects in the treasury dialog are now more prevalent—it was previously far from obvious that these were clickable at all.
What’s your take on command palettes and keyboard shortcuts? 🔥 Both could be awesome features to consider. Obviously, keyboard shortcuts are easier to add without needing to mess with the UI much, but the command palette is pretty slick too. 😎
Have you thought about adding the ability to move between proposals without having to go back to the index every time? 🔄 I feel like it'd make for a way smoother UX if you could just go back and forth directly from the proposal pages. 🤔
Wondering if this should be adjusted to take swaps into account? idk 🤷
There should probably be an option for proposing stream cancellations, right? Sure, anyone can propose it, but not everyone has the technical chops to handle it manually. 🤔
New in camp: Stream listing and withdrawals

Accessible from profile dropdown or proposal page, if you have past or ongoing streams.
maybe I need to clear cache or something but whenever I like a prop comment I get prompted to authenticate and sign in my wallet => I am getting thrown this error
Camp is currently broken. Investigating

TLDR: We’re starting a test run with Farcaster likes on Camp today, please give it a try and let us know what you think.