
@redphone #277644

Futurist telling stories about crypto and AI at Delphi Labs. Proposed the BRC-20, Bascii and Asteroid standards.
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BASED BUILDER INTERVIEWS #1: Meet @tomu from /checkr!

Q1. What’s your protocol’s elevator pitch?

"Attention moves. Tokens follow. $Checkr knows. Track token momentum on Farcaster’s social layer at checkr.social."

Now for the alpha 🧵👇
1. The political center is ded 💀, & society trudges toward the dragon’s lair

2. We can feel the social discomfort, the growing polarization, the fear, the uncertainty over the future for our kids, schools, jobs

3. Seems obvious, but I never anticipated how bad it could be for your psychology to live through such "interesting times"

4. Debates at summer picnics used to be, debates. Intellectual affairs of the mind. Now, they’re emotional affairs of the 💖. Grandpa trembles with anger, dad storms off, auntie declines invitations knowing certain others will attend 🧵👇
Big thanks to everyone who reached out and/or suggested potential founders to interview... I just dm'd 20 chads with questions. Looking forward to the responses!
A big irony about being considered a "crypto bro" is normie friends thinking you're a rich Wall Street-loving TradFi simp

Never mind that we're here bc we REJECTED Wall Street and wanted a new path for humanity... one where the poorest among us have a real shot at making it
450+ Bankr Club memberships sold in the first 20 mins! First 1,000 will get founder NFTs 💪 https://x.com/bankrbot/status/1903154567199723920
I'd love to do some text-based interviews with founders building on Base: I send you questions via DM, you reply, I turn them into a thread with some fun art to share here... if you're game, drop me a DM! Also, feel free to tag founders you'd like to see interviewed!
@bankr what is my farcaster wallet address on base?
1/ Humanity’s bullshit detectors have gotten incredibly finely-tuned. We’re cutting information to the bone.

Example: LLMs convey information with far fewer words than other methods. One way of looking at this is they "gloss over" important subtext. Another way... 🧵👇
I’m starting to see projects building functionality directly into X. Most have to do it in an annoying kludgy way like injecting html buttons via a chrome plugin. No one wants to download plugins, tho. I think @warpcast has a huge opportunity to build out open standards for custom functionality/buttons/emojis, etc. The way to win imo is treading deeper into the areas where X is afraid to relinquish control.
I 🫶 these markets when crypto feels DED 💀 and the KOLs take “mental health” breaks and no one bothers looking at price bc they’re down badly

I love it bc I know there’s some young dude out there, maybe socially marginalized, who has trouble relating to everyone else bc he’s so bright, and he’s discovered crypto and smart contracts and AI, and he has this crazy idea for a protocol that can do [INSERT INSANE NEW SCI-FI SOUNDING ADVANCEMENT], and he couldn’t even tell you a single thing about the markets, about $ETH going up or down, or bitcoin ending up in someone’s reserve, or about $TRUMP or $GOAT or even $FARTCOIN 🧵👇
1. The best prompt engineers are the people already good at hacking their own brains

2. They’re masters of “cognitive reframing”

3. Every high achiever in the world is a master at reframing… it’s why you can... 🧵👇
I love memecoins as much as the next pepe, but the reality is they were the radioactive sludge-babies of degens and the horrible anti-crypto regulatory environment created by Gensler

If your governmental rules label everything a security, then we’ll read those rules with microscopes and find one aspect that lies 1mm outside of that definition, and we will max send it into the stratosphere…

That’s the genesis of memecoins: cultural rebellion against tradfi, howey, gensler, warren, etc.

They were creators creating in the narrow band of sunlight where we were actually allowed to dance

As the regulatory pressure lightens, our band of sunlight grows

What comes next is the reason we were drawn to this space in the first place: mass adoption, revenue-accruing tokens, iOS and Android integration, etc.

Now, we’re really only limited by one thing: our ambition
Live through enough crypto bears & they start to feel good. You grin bc you know their cleansing fires burn off the weak & harden & chisel the strong

And when the rewards begin to flow again, you know -- this time -- they'll flow only to the hands that deserve them most
1/ To be 14 today is be a king or a MFing queen 👑

You live at home and have high-speed Internet. You need less sleep. Less exercise. Your mind = “unburdened by what has been.” With LLMs, you have the same access to knowledge as the tenured professor at the most elite of universities on earth

You are king 👑

You are queen 👑

I would’ve killed for such opportunities at your age

Your very advantage is the chaos and decay. LLMs have dramatically accelerated the pace of change

There is so much newness in the world that there aren’t enough humans to keep up with all of it

A 14-year-old in Mumbai can out-innovate the 40-year-old CEO in Silicon Valley

You can become the leading voice on some new technology within weeks

You can launch apps

You can build out marketing departments and deploy immutable, uncensorable websites

If only you knew how kingly, how queenly, you are 🧵👇
The only reason I've been in crypto for 12+ years is bc it's constantly teaching me about my own psychology and about coordinating large groups of hoomans

Biggest takeway = incentives are everything

literally everything

If you want to know why something is the way it is in the world, simply look at the incentives

It's a profound shift in thinking. Up to now, most powerful groups have used rules (the stick) to get hoomans to act a certain way...

crypto proves that incentives (the carrots) are just as powerful as rules... I'm optimistic that every system we interact with (our govts, corporations, schools, healthcare, etc) will eventually be redesigned to include more carrots and fewer sticks

Rules are first-order thinking

Incentives are second-order
We used to say: "CODE IS LAW"

New tech [[@bankr, @clanker, @warpcast, @privy and AI]] is combining to build a sort of "natural language" network where "POSTS ARE LAW"

Anyone can come on farcaster or X, and post a trade, buy or sell a token, or even launch a new coin, just by throwing a few words on their timeline

It's all thanks to sophisticated scaffolding that could ONLY be built atop crypto rails, and its created an entirely new way of executing financial transactions. Pretty sure the uniswap UI will be a distant memory one day
What's crushing crypto OGs isn't this mini bear market. It's two existential earthquakes happening at once:

1. The death of cool: Crypto is crossing the chasm into mainstream… becoming infrastructure instead of revolution. Our anarchic dream now wears a suit and submits regulatory filings. Crypto feels like SMTP: essential but invisible.

2. The humbling: We built our entire identities around being at the bleeding edge… only to discover crypto was a warm-up act. AI now sits like the Eye of Horus 👁️ atop the technological pyramid, staring down at everything else. Including crypto.

This is classic future shock. We must reinvent ourselves and our identities in the face of existential change. 🧵👇
In a world where technology flattens intelligence, the only thing that matters is your philosophy of life

If you don’t have one, one will be implanted in you free of cost

For years, I've written annual theses on the future of crypto. Biggest takeaway = forecasting crypto trends over a 12-month period is borderline insanity. 🧵👇
it's easy to get too analytical about the future of AI

we try to analyze, predict and position ourselves as investors. that gives us a powerful sense of control

but the fact is, the future is more unknowable in this moment than any other moment in history

move 37 beckons beyond the horizon... this time, the move won't change a game. it'll change the foundation of our lives, our social structures, the principle-agent relationships that keep roofs over our heads

it's worth a moment of reflection

in a world of Move 37s, our greatest assets will be curiosity and humility about what we think we know
If you're in the trenches too long, it's easy to get jaded... you condition yourself to search for alpha instead of what brought you here in the first place: passion, curiosity, illumination. Follow your fascinations & find alpha along the way. Works much better than the reverse