@tim #207
A new testnet, Hoodi, is going live Monday to wrap up Pectra testing, if you need to test validator exits, be on the lookout for it! Everything else can be tested on Sepolia & Holesky.
Pectra will be scheduled 30+ days after Hoodi forks successfully, pending infra and client testing.
Fusaka planning will run in parallel, with a deadline of March 24 to propose EIPs, and a tentative date of April 10 for a scope freeze 🫡
Full recap is up on EthMagicians: https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/all-core-devs-execution-acde-207/23020
The network finalized smoothly, blocks are full with blobs and validator consolidations are working 🎉
The network finalized smoothly, blocks are full with blobs and validator consolidations are working 🎉
The last few months have been, to put it mildly, tumultuous. While it's clear that many things need to change for Ethereum to win, it's easy to overcorrect and kill the magic in search of maximal optimization. This week's announcements make me confident we've struck the right balance between these two extremes.
We did not have enough validators online to finalize, but we saw less slashings than expected.
Therefore, we're going to try and get enough validators online to finalize a block over the next couple days.
If we haven't finalized a block by the Monday testing call, we'll coordinate mass slashings at that point.
If you are reading this and run a Holesky validator, please get it back online ASAP and remove your slashing protection DB (to allow you to attest to the valid minority chain). More info here: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/blob/master/Pectra/holesky-postmortem.md
You can watch the full recording here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=ksr-6iuSvrg
pm/Pectra/holesky-postmortem.md at master · ethereum/pm
Project Management: Meeting notes and agenda items - ethereum/pm
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On Monday, Pectra activated on Holesky. An EL bug caused chain splits, resulting in a minority chain being valid, degrading the network health.
Holesky validators must take action ASAP, some Sepolia users must upgrade their client.
Holesky validators: we are coordinating a mass slashing event tomorrow Feb. 28 around 15:00 UTC.
You should:
1. Update your node (see screenshot)
2. Sync your node to head (new CL branches will help)
3. Right before slot 3737760, disable slashing protection
More info here: https://github.com/ethereum/pm/blob/master/Pectra/holesky-postmortem.md#holesky-coordinated-slashings
Sepolia node operators: the fork will happen as previously scheduled at epoch 222464 (Mar. 5, 7:29 UTC).
If you are using Geth, Besu, Nethermind or Lodestar, you must update your client to one of the releases listed here: https://blog.ethereum.org/2025/02/14/pectra-testnet-announcement
(link to job description in next tweet)
RIG is working on solving some of the most important open challenges for Ethereum: ensuring long-term economic robustness & scaling Ethereum.
If you are excited and deeply care about these problems, join and work with us at the frontier of Ethereum research. You will join a small, impactful team where you can very quickly help shape the future of Ethereum, working with some of the most brilliant people.
- EL config issue is fixed, releases out
- CL clients struggle to sync, working on patches, some are being tested right now
- We expect to save Holesky by building on the minority chain 🤞
ACD check-in scheduled for 14:00 UTC tomorrow 🫡
On Feb 24th, at epoch 115968, the upgrade will go live on Holesky. Then, on Mar 5, at epoch 222464, it will activate on Sepolia.
Read the full announcement in the frame below 🖼️
Here are the highlights ✨
To kick things off, @vgr shares his theory of fantasy vs. sci-fi, what new narratives are needed to navigate the changing world order, and where protocols fit in the picture 😄
Holesky will fork at slot 3710976 (Mon, Feb 24 at 21:55:12 UTC)
Sepolia will fork at slot 7118848 (Wed, Mar 5 at 07:29:36 UTC)
Assuming Sepolia goes smoothly, we'll pick the mainnet slot on the March 6 ACD call 📅
I fed it the ethereum/pm repo and it does a good job at giving context about decisions on the calls over time!
The workflow I’d like is closer to “colleague commenting + making suggestions in your google docs” than copy/pasting a bunch of stuff back and forth.
The workflow I’d like is closer to “colleague commenting + making suggestions in your google docs” than copy/pasting a bunch of stuff back and forth.
Every week we get closer. Got some good things cooking for Feb 👨🍳
*Mercury delivers a wonderful web2 business banking experience, for the unfamiliar
If you’ve ever wanted to contribute to core Ethereum development in a context where your only concern is what is best for the long term health of the network, this is for you 🫡
As a first step, I created an EthMagicians thread to aggregate reflections from client teams and the community 🧙
cc @v
Could we build better EthMag <> Farcaster integrations to help this?
Add your votes to the poll.
2025 is going to be a big one for Ethereum ✨
Enjoy 😄

I planned to bundle this with a broader ACD 2024 recap, but 1500 words in, I opted to split them 😄

It's going to be a packed call to close off the year 🥳
We expect to leave applications open through the holidays, and may start optimistically interviewing applicants as they come in.

Ethereum Foundation - ERC & Standards Coordinator
The Ethereum Foundation (EF) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Ethereum and related technologies. Our mission is to do what is best for Ethereum’s long-term success. Our role is to allocate resources to critical projects, to be a valued voice within the Ethereum ecosystem, and to advocate for Ethereum to the outside world. Role Description The EF is hiring an ERC & Standards Coordinator to help steward the development and adoption of common application & wallet standards across the ecosystem. The work will involve both direct contributions to Ethereum’s application, wallet and infrastructure standardization processes as well as close collaboration with internal and external stakeholders on the development of various standards. Your objective is to drive the evolution and adoption of standards that enhance interoperability and innovation across the Ethereum ecosystem. The types of problems you’ll be thinking through include: -How the ERC process should differ