🌹 zach harris 🥀

@zachharris.eth #10351

consultant @ mañana 🔗 bio: zachharris.xyz
45859 Follower 723 Following
Love that @dwr.eth @kmacb.eth @bias @sam and @ghostlinkz.eth surround 🕳️ glitch in the matrix 🐇

Warpcast: I invite you - be the yin to my @joeblau yang ☯️
Why hasn’t the hard press shortcut to cast / search / notifications functionality become a priority in /warpcast yet? As far as I understand, it’s fairly easy to do.
Anybody in New York coming to this?

Could not be more excited.

What’s the best way to rekindle curiosity when you don’t feel motivated or inspired?
I will post a banger if there’s a super majority of votes for dog maxis

Had a chance to play around a friends medium format camera…

shutter makes the sexiest sound
Great catching up with @web3pm earlier and getting 👀 on some super cool new /icebreaker 🔎 functionality

Soon I will be able to sleuth better than the Pink Panther 🕵🏻‍♂️
It’s remarkable how the difference of one word makes a huge impact as an unlock to a toddler.

From asking: What do you think?

To: What do you feel (in your heart)?

The results are so much more interesting as the emotional mind is much more developed than the rational one at this age.
My goal was to 2X daily calories from last year to this year. Getting close.
For those out
There 👀 💼
Friendly reminder
To just breathe
Reset expectations
And internalize these words…

Remember, symmetrical value creation
Did you know farpca is the new finsta?
I’m almost there:

15% restful calories
85% active calories

Training 10X the duration
of normal Muy Tai round
Is Perplexity the hedge in case the jumbo loan fad next year isn’t investing another 7 Bill into OpenAI?
Most people think 5G is nonremarkable. But many are unwittingly throttling themselves.
These just shipped.
Super excited to play.
I cannot understand why Warpcast doesn’t work for me on desktop in Arc
An observation:

Interesting that the crypto native lexicon has adopted the idiom maxi as a shorthand for maximalist…

Has anybody ever heard mini used as a form of converse vernacular?

Ex. Faster maxi. X mini.
Feature idea for /icebreaker

- For status = open to work 👀 💼
- Qualified easy intros are hard 🤝
- Double opt in email intros = 🦖
- Trust = 2 way street. Context = ⚓️
- 💡You should talk to ___ b/c xyz

For feature extensibility, write in a smart contract rule, where referer of intro gets finders fee
Hey, @j4ck.eth or @web3pm. How does endorsement thing on Icebreaker work? I'd like to start porting my LinkedIn audience over (~11K).

Please teach me the ways of the decentralized spice, sers... 🪱 🙏
Who would think that AML would impact Tornados and Canadians?! 🙈