

A space for builders

Builders of Titania

... Still Building After All These Years
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Hello Buildooors!

I am looking for a dev to build a simple 2D platforming game where points can be accrued through collecting coins, or another mechanic.

It just needs to have a JavaScript back-end/API integration for our in-house points system.

Excited to meet who's out there!
Writing smart contracts in JavaScript and running them on a fast, efficient, and cheap blockchain. Sounds useful to me.
hi any builders here who wanna apply for a @devcon scholarship?

Applications open 2 more days
Another thought: it might be cool if there was a way to share revenue with the users. Then they would have an incentive to tell people about the product/service. And they might have an incentive to help support other users in a community kind of way. They could be directly rewarded for doing that. 🤔
What I’d really like to build is something that:

- can be built by 1-3 people
- does not require any outside investment (I don’t like trying to raise $ and I don’t like being beholden to investors)
- can be easily supported by the team that built it (no high support costs or need for customer support personnel)
- users pay a subscription fee for, with multiple tiers (low entry cost, higher fee for premium features)

The second & third points are the hardest to satisfy, I think. Have you successfully built anything like this? I would love to hear about it. Go ahead and brag!
Shoutout to all the builders out there 🫵🫡
Another thing I beg of builders: if you want people to take your pro[duct|ject] seriously, make sure your website works on a mobile phone. “You only get one chance to make a good impression” & if you don’t care enough to make your pitch readable it doesn’t benefit your credibility. I don’t make the rules.
I just came here to beg all you builders to pretend it’s 1999. At that time, UX on websites was a very important topic. UI people put a LOT of effort into making their sites usable. In web3 I consistently see terrible, truly terrible, web and app UX. It’s not punk, it’s just unprofessional. Up your game, please.
I wanted to say to you folks building stuff: please do a better job of explaining what you’re building. A website with some marketing-speak, casts full of buzzword… these don’t cut it. Explain it to your audience plainly & clearly. What can they do with your product? How is it different? Why should they care?