
@gaia #15744

Human, Building the appreciation economy at https://toap.gg/ Embarked on the shamanic wheel once.
368 Follower 512 Following
I have been a surdist, but now I have found the truth and am a convert absurdist.
Appreciation Economy
We had a spring rehearsal for 2 days back to cold.

I am not weird, just rare.
So proud of the gyals I can do this for life. The wobble to the beast arc is my favourite thing to witness.
Beast mode on on on.
And national team showing up just to share the same love.
I am truly excited about TOAP friends Appreciation thursdays. We will make it every Thursday is wut I am thinking. Newsletter? Podcast? No No No.

No babe we just walk, watch video clips, and lift weights or sth.

I decided I want to be my type of startup founder.

The hustle has been transmuted into vibes.
Shall I organise a London fields farcaster cowork on 10th April?

(I am organising too many events for a hermit personality type. )

@tudorizer @oxb tagging you because cowork in london fields I now have two dates organised. Shall we do a farcaster special, or do you want to come to existing ones ? We could totally spun a 10th April one if there was enough farcaster friends. Linking an example.
Tomorrow, we have an online event for CTOs and engineering team leads. Focus is high-performance teams. The audience will be London CTOs because we are jumping on the programmation of an existing community and their CTO Lunch Club.

Come vibe. It is with CTO friends.
Shout out if you want to come to this event. We are running an appreciation month, and I cooked 5 events with TOAP.
This is the first.
My aura's broadcasting AMETHYST in neon lights.
Cute AF
😅 I will take it. By @jc4p
Good day ser
Check out my signature cocktails! Haha I love it is based on seaweed. 🦞
And we are going to run a CTO lunch club together, one session my company TOAP will be hosting. 🤩💥😍💛🌟🟡✨️.

Towards the end of this month with friends from some large tech companies like Google, Spotify and Legal, and General.

I can send and invite to the interested.
Not them pulling a Pluto's cave on this sunfish. 😭💔
Monday morning checking the new cowork space near ma house. Been working from home since Jan 25. E8 london. It is fully empty now. Would anyone wanna hang in e8 ? Gym, studio, and cinema.

What is the likelihood of london peeps around me.
I see you show up.
And I want you to know this.
I want you to win.
I want you to have the desire of
All your heart mind soul nails hairs eyes balls toes arms cheekbones veins cells genes intestines...
I mean all of you.

You deserve it.
Sol Hewitt Letter to Eva
U are crying. I was repeating this in my head right now, places you have outgrown purge you out.
Did it again.
I am bringing a rug next, no pulls.
Today was my last day at therapy. Take aways from these 13 weeks.
It feels profound to me and finally a few things feels crystal clear. What I state in writing has the risk of sounding simple.
However now I feel the sentence rather than knowing it purely.
(declarative ->procedural knowledge)

All seems to be super counterintutive.
- Relinguish the need to be happy and feel good. You do not have to feel good and you do not need to be happy.

- Act "as if" when you do not feel like and you can reach authenticity in context. i.e House is leaking and you are meeting a person. Focus on why you are happy to see the person in front of you. It feels "as if" first but then you see that is what is real only.
- Critic voice exists. (Shout out if you do not have one. I have questions). And the reason it is very good in short term games to get you to move. Anything useless would not exist innit. If you are playing long term games, it becomes extremely useless, worse disruptive.
I was in the gym with slippers.
Felt invincible. 🤷🏼‍♀️