

Easy way ro discover new channels! post your channels for others to see

Hi everyone
I'm new here
If brands are going to run a channel, they need to respond to questions and comments regularly. Some are good at this like @deployer for /lp and @grunt.eth for @rainbow and @downshift.eth for /microsub

But a lot of them are so hands off, it makes them look worse than not having a channel at all
I will be the first to make the joke that this "image failed to load" Cura frame from @openrank works perfectly in the /crappydesign channel, LOL

It is a fun channel on Reddit, so lets make it a thing here too!
This is so helpful @pichi! As I was troubleshooting with @jacy we realized that if you don’t have priority mode turned on for notifications you’re not seeing the separate channel notifications which is super helpful so I recommend switching to priority mode so you get this “Channels” category.
I really like the Announcement feature in channels -- super helpful!
/farcastle is cool, bc you can share a safe, with crypto in it, to spend on things that channel members do together, like meetups, or projects, or regular maintenance and operations, or whatever else a community needs to spend money on together.

@earth2travis is cool, bc he knows how safes and crypto and channels and all those things work, so each channel can have their /farcastle set up the best for them.
i cast into big channels like /design like the void. feels useless
farcaster = macro blog
channels = micro blog
PSA: Follow More Channels

Channels = Curated Cozy Corner Communities
/299 by @bence

if you like aesthetic visuals, highly recommend it.
What are the most beautiful and aesthetic channels?
what a wonderful new channel discovery


currently a lot of US nostalgia, but would love to see stuff from other countries as welll
Posting for more enthusiasts :)

Video Game Music channel.

Please join us, we're a quietly growing group of game music fans.

I’ve created a new channel called UselessFacts where I’ll share a fun, useless fact every day. It’s my hobby to collect these little gems, and I think they’ll be great for small talk. Come join if you’re interested!
I started a new channel for a great VR/AR project I'm involved in.
A channel that lets users rank the top contributors weekly and makes discoverability accordingly
Channel hack for an infinite streak:

- set streak on a channel
- set daily ritual in that channel
- ???
- profit