Index Supply

@indexsupply #18268

Indexing Ethereum https://indexsupply.com
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1. nested expressions `where a and (b or c)`
2. min/max aggregate functions `max(block_num) from transfer`
3. fix bool predicates `where spent = true`
4. Added mainnet and zora chains
Few know this, but Shovel includes a nice little PG migration system to create indexes, unique indexes, and deals with adding columns to prev. defined tables!

Here is a "index" example. Learn more here: https://indexsupply.com/shovel/docs/#table
Shovel now logs on each tick: nrows=X nrpc=Y nblocks=Z

- number of rows inserted into Postgres
- number of rpc calls made to process
- number of blocks processed

Added a diagnostics endpoint to Shovel. It will show you a comparison of the latest block in the db/node. Latency for db/node operations. And any errors encountered along the way.
