

日本の食べ物、服装、お祭り、伝統、芸術、旅行 言語 : 日本語 英語 : Castの最初に"JPC"/ Japanese, including food, clothing, festivals, traditions, and arts. Language : Japanese English : Put "JPC" at the beginning of the cast

【Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)】
The 39th Seasonal Marker: "Rising and Falling of Deep Fog(蒙霧升降)” (August 18-22)
This is the final stage of "Risshū" (Beginning of Autumn) in the 24 seasonal divisions. "Rising and Falling of Deep Fog" represents the period when thick fog appears and dissipates.

During this time, you can feel the coolness in the mornings and evenings. Dense fog is likely to occur in basins and mountainous areas.

While fog reminds us of the lingering summer, it also hints at the approaching autumn, adding beauty to the Japanese landscape. In mountainous regions especially, the fog creates a mystical scene as it envelops trees and lakes, making it an ideal time to enjoy nature's beauty.

As the "Rising and Falling of Deep Fog" period progresses, the summer heat gradually subsides, and preparations for the autumn harvest begin.

*Photos are free materials
【Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)】
The 38th Microseason: 'Evening Cicadas Sing(寒蝉鳴)' (August 13-17)

We've entered the next phase of the 72 microseasons after the beginning of autumn, marking the time when evening cicadas start to sing.

'Evening Cicadas Sing' refers to the period when higurashi cicadas fill the air with their distinctive calls.
During this time, the intense summer heat begins to gradually subside, and in the evenings, you can hear the cool, soothing chirps of the higurashi cicadas. Their song is a classic sign of late summer, signaling the approach of autumn.
【Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)】*1
The 37th Micro-Season: "Cool Winds Arrive" (涼風至)
August 7th to August 11th
As we enter the first micro-season of Risshu*2, the "Cool Winds Arrive" period, we start to feel the beginnings of cooler winds amid the summer heat. 涼風至 (suzukaze itaru) represents the time when the hot weather starts to be tinged with the refreshing coolness of autumn breezes.
During this time, although the heat of summer still lingers, the mornings and evenings become noticeably cooler. The significant temperature difference between the hot daytime and the cooler mornings and evenings heralds the approaching autumn.
In this transitional season, let's introduce some flowers that bloom during this period:
・Bellflower (桔梗): Top Left of the Picture
・Sunflower (向日葵): Top Right of the Picture
・Zinnia (百日草): Bottom Right of the Picture
・Kudzu (葛): Bottom Left of the Picture

【Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)】*1
~Risshuu (立秋) of 24 Solar Terms

Risshuu (立秋) marks the beginning of autumn in the traditional Japanese calendar, occurring around August 7 to August 22. Despite the lingering summer heat, this period signifies the transition to cooler evenings and mornings, and the sounds of insects start to fill the air.

During this time, festivals are held across Japan to pray for a good harvest and to celebrate the change of seasons. Additionally, the seasonal greeting shifts from "Shochu-mimai" (summer greeting) to "Zansho-mimai" (late summer greeting).
Seasonal Items
・Flowers: Crape myrtle, Chinese lantern plant, Hibiscus, Zinnia
・Vegetables: Corn, Pumpkin, Edamame, Okra, Shishito pepper, Bell pepper, Eggplant
・Fruits: Grapes, Pears, Figs, Watermelon, Peaches
・Seafood: Squid, Sardines, Horse mackerel, Abalone, Octopus


【Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)】
The 36th of the 72 micro-seasons: "Heavy Rains Fall Intermittently(大雨時行 / taiu tokidokini huru)" (August 2-6).

This is the final phase of "Great Heat(大暑 / taisyo)” one of the 24 solar terms, and marks the end of summer in the traditional Japanese calendar.

During this time, intense summer rains like cloudbursts and sudden showers are common.

Towering cumulonimbus clouds build up in the blue sky, suddenly transforming into fierce thunderstorms that drench the parched earth.

*Detailed explanations of the lunisolar calendar can be found in the next cast link.
*The photos are free material.
【Goroawase and tipping】
Goroawase (語呂合わせ) is a Japanese wordplay technique that uses similar-sounding words or phrases to create memorable associations.
It's often used to remember numbers, dates, or complex concepts by linking them to easier-to-recall words or phrases.
The goal is to make something inherently difficult to remember, like a string of numbers, more accessible and memorable.

When Japanese people give tips, the following meanings might be included based on the pronunciation of the numbers.
・thank you / ex.$39 $390 etc / san kyuu
・good / ex. $41 $410 etc / yo i
・go or gogo! / ex. $5 $50 $555 etc / go
・hello / ex. $86 etc / ha lo u
・berry / ex. $15 $150 etc / i chi go ..........

Please refer to the following table for the Japanese pronunciation of each number.
You might also find it fun to give tips with your own original wordplay based on these pronunciations.
[To Read Japanese]
To understand Japanese text, you need to be familiar with three types of writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana, and Kanji.

• Hiragana(ひらがな) and Katakana(カタカナ)
Hiragana and Katakana are phonetic scripts. Individual characters typically don't have meaning on their own, but form meaningful words when combined. These characters represent sounds.

These two writing systems have corresponding characters to each other. Each system has 46 basic characters (excluding what we call "voiced" and "semi-voiced" sounds, which are a bit complex to explain right now).

Here's a chart of these characters:

【Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)】(*1)
The 34th micro-season, "Paulownia begins to bear fruit" (桐始結花), occurs from around July 22 to July 27.

This marks the beginning of the first micro-season of Taisho (大暑), when the paulownia tree starts to form its fruit.
Paulownia blooms with light purple flowers in early summer and produces egg-shaped fruit around this time of peak summer.

Paulownia is considered a noble plant, as it is mentioned in the oldest Chinese poetry collection, "The Book of Songs" (詩経), where it is described as the tree where the mythical phoenix rests its wings.
The Analects of Confucius state that the phoenix appears when a virtuous ruler is born.
Due to these associations, paulownia is highly esteemed in Japan and is used as an imperial crest and revered as a symbol of good fortune.

*1 Detailed explanations of the lunisolar calendar and about Taisho (大暑) can be found in the next cast link.
*The photos are free material.
*There are quoted casts in the reply section explaining the Japanese calendar system and other related information.

July 16 is 6/11 in the Japanese calendar(Solar Lunar Calendar).
It's also the final day of the '72 microseasons' period called 'Hasu hajimete hiraku' (蓮始開).

'Hasu hajimete hiraku' (蓮始開)
This is the time when lotus flowers begin to bloom.

The lotus flower is a type of aquatic plant highly valued in many Asian cultures, especially in countries like Japan, China, and India. It is known for its large, beautiful blooms that rise above the water's surface. The lotus flower is often symbolized as purity, enlightenment, and rebirth because it grows in muddy water but emerges clean and beautiful.

This cast summarizes an overview of the Japanese calendar system and explains its specific usage.





Ateji is the practice of using kanji to represent a word based on its pronunciation, rather than its meaning. The closest English equivalent might be considered "text speak."

The origin of ateji dates back to when kanji was first introduced to Japan (around the 4th-5th century). It began when Japanese people started using Chinese characters, which didn't originally exist in Japanese, to match Japanese sounds and meanings.

While the historical evolution is complex, the use of ateji particularly developed during the Edo period, specifically during the Genroku era (1688-1704).

The history of ateji is closely linked to the development of the Japanese writing system and is a unique linguistic phenomenon that arose from adapting a foreign writing system (kanji) to Japanese. It remains an important element demonstrating the flexibility and creativity of the Japanese language.

Although less common in modern times, ateji can still be seen in shop names and product names.

I have introduced automod to /japaneseculture
Please note that if the cast does not include " JPC " it will not be displayed 🎋

/japaneseculture にautomodを導入しました。
castに" JPC "が含まれていないと表示されないのでご注意ください🎋

I believe that Kabuki is one of Japan's representative traditional performing arts. I was also surprised when I saw it for the first time. It is packed with a variety of ideas to entertain the audience, including a thrilling story and gorgeous, beautiful scenes.
The great thing about the Japanese language is that you can combine characters such as katakana and hiragana to create expressions that you can't find in other countries.

The bad thing about the Japanese language is that Japanese pronunciation doesn't use the tongue as much, which makes it difficult to speak English.
【 kotoba (言葉) series 】 ①"On" (恩)

"On" (恩) refers to kindness or goodwill received from others.
It's similar to the English words "gratitude" or "indebtedness," but carries a deeper meaning and social weight.

Here are more detailed characteristics:
1. Depth: It expresses a deep sense of gratitude beyond a simple "thank you."
2. Sense of obligation: When receiving "on," a sense of duty to repay it is born. This is called "on-gaeshi" (恩返し).
3. Long-term concept: "On" is not temporary, but is remembered and cherished over a long period.
4. Changes in modern times: While it has somewhat faded in modern society, it remains an important part of Japanese culture.
5. Cultural values: Remembering "on" and repaying it are considered virtues

Since "on" and "on-gaeshi" are in a sense a set, we'll use both words to show an example of use in the WC world.

JPC ※日本語版は英語版の後にあります

【 kotoba (言葉) series 】

Kotoba are the Japanese expression for 'word(s)’.
'言葉' (kotoba) is the kanji expression for 'word(s)’.

People use words to easily recognize and remember differences.
Also, familiar words can sometimes change the way we think.

The 【 kotoba (言葉) series 】 introduces concepts that Japanese people consider important, or ways of thinking unique to Japanese people.
There is no order of importance. I will introduce words that I think are important at the time, while observing the situation within WC. There may also be some whimsical choices.

There are two purposes:
・Simply to have people enjoy Japanese culture. When introducing words, kanji characters will also appear, so I'd be happy if you could enjoy their visual forms as well.
・To make it easier to explain or ask questions using this cast when there are misunderstandings in communication between people from different cultures

1/2(English version)
To my friends participating in /japaneseculture

- What are the good and bad aspects of the Japanese language?

For those who are not Japanese, please let me know if there's anything you find interesting about the Japanese language 🙌

Amount: 200 $farther up to 20 people

Deadline: 07/12/2024

"The 24 Solar Terms and 72 Microseasons of the Japanese Calendar"

1. Relationship with the lunisolar calendar:
The 24 Solar Terms are based on the sun's movement, reflecting elements of the solar calendar.
The 72 Microseasons represent subtle seasonal changes, also considering elements of the lunar calendar.

2. 24 Solar Terms:
 ・Divide the year into 24 equal parts, determined by the sun's position in       the celestial sphere (ecliptic longitude).
 ・Each solar term lasts about 15 days and represents seasonal changes.
 ・Includes important terms such as the Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice,  Autumn Equinox, and Winter Solstice.

3. 72 Microseasons:
 ・Further divides the 24 Solar Terms into three, resulting in 72 divisions of the year.
 ・Corresponds to the 24 Solar Terms, with each term having an initial, middle, and final microseason.
 ・Each microseason lasts about 5 days and represents more detailed natural changes.


July 7
In Japan, there is an event called Tanabata🎋

The origin of Tanabata (七夕) can be traced back to a Chinese legend about two lovers, represented by the stars Vega (the Weaver Girl) and Altair (the Cowherd), who are separated by the Milky Way and allowed to meet only once a year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.
This legend has been adapted and celebrated in different ways in Japan and other East Asian countries, often involving paper decorations, wishing on stars, and various festive activities on the night of Tanabata.
"Japanese Calendar (Lunisolar Calendar)"

Using this calendar can make you more sensitive to seasonal changes and seasonal foods.

Here are the characteristics:
1. Definition: A calendar system that considers both the sun's movement (seasons) and the moon's phases.

2. Mechanism:
Based on the moon's phases (lunar calendar element). Approximately 29.5 days
Simultaneously adjusts for the solar year (seasons) (solar calendar element). Approximately 365 days
The discrepancy between lunar and solar calculations is adjusted by inserting a 13th month called "uruuzuki" (leap month). This can be used to judge years with prolonged summer heat, for example.

3. Advantages: It reflects both moon phases and seasons. As a result, you can become more sensitive to seasonal changes and seasonal foods.

Although it varies from school to school, many elementary schools in Japan use these backpacks
In my time, boys wore black and girls wore red, but now they come in a variety of colors!!

The photo shows my son eight years ago🥹
He is a different person now lol

these dango r off the charts kawaii🥳🪅

l know ur with me on this🙌
Japanese shopping malls are full of gacha-gacha!!
You put in about 100 to 500 yen and spin it! It's fun to see what you get...

I wanted Moomin...Hattifatteners😂
Japan, as an island nation, has developed a unique culture. In this channel, let's share and discuss our favorite things from various genres such as food, clothing, festivals, and traditions.