Poison Ivy’s Lair


this is basically where i vomit emotions

ppl leaving the sf scene because it's too clouted / too many ppl are on drugs does not really surprise me
reading between the lines more than a few women in the tech scene think I’m a narcissist because I’m upset about having my chest grabbed vs being raped and it makes me very angry
still can’t get over having pouty pillowy lips now omg
i realize now, knowing how normal feels i've been existing in suffering for at least the past few years and idk

without using good or bad labels i think you can tell a lot about the kind of person someone is in how they respond to the suffering of others
i think it's roughly 3-4 weeks since i started latuda and i almost want to cry, i never thought i would be able to feel this normal

i feel so much gratitude and happiness for no longer feeling like i'm walking through life with a gaping wound i have to try and cover up and make sure no one sees
some really tough challenges ahead but i feel so ready for them now

the vibecamp stuff has degenerated into tpot burner accts dm'ing me with what they think my birthday is and i'm really glad i'm back to badass bitch to deal with it
i know why ppl turn to covert religion and self-help books written by digital marketers, when nothing works you'll listen anyone peddling hope

it's still amazingly gross to see ppl exploited who might be one medication switch away from living a normal life
i truly do hate life coaches for the ppl they keep from getting the right kind of help

medical science is doing the best it can with mental illness, it's often spinning a roulette wheel wrt whether your dr listens to you / you find the right med
at this point i'll take ultra trads over neo buddhists my goodness
facing a really tough uphill climb but informedly optimistic for the first time in a long time
swelling has gone away but still pouty!!!!
coming to realize my inner child is a vaguely slutty alt girl and its fine
a large part of me wishes i had made any of the things i have written about up

i think that's maybe the worst and most cruel part: this is my honest and true experience in the world as whatever label 'type of trans woman' exists

that it's so bad some ppl don't believe it really makes me sad
i think it's interesting to examine how you perceive how others perceive you

i think in general it's probably selfish cold-hearted bitch

hesitate to use the word manipulative b/c it's mostly come from fragile men who describe women who don't put up with misogynist shit that way
would you let me outsource my agency at you?
i don't know how to feel about women who 'play the game', 'work within the system' etc

i don't want to hate them but i do, b/c that approach is not available to me

i don't think they are cowardly but i do think i have to be brave 24/7 because their type of behaviour is what can be counted on
ppl who have never gone through something as traumatic as i have tell me that hate is bad, don't hold it in your heart etc

hate is good actually b/c it prevents me from ever giving another woman or group of ppl the ability to hurt me as deeply as i was hurt ever again
every so often i get reminded of my new reality: txted with someone about vibecamp stuff yesterday and felt PTSD then, that has followed me into today
also if u want to continue to be a part of the emotions vomiting here pls dm me and i will add u to this channel
some ppl in the rat community have given me the background of ppl in the vibecamp community and idk

the more i learn about what i didn't know about those ppl the less outright angry i get, they need help they aren't getting

it is upsetting to see that rather than get that help they focus on recruiting
life is good, and full.

don't know if i'm going to win, but it's also something i don't obsess over anymore.

no longer scared to play the game and that's the important part.
one of the advantages to being a normal person now is being able to properly reflect and meditate

so grateful for literally being able to live the recreational life of a pop/rock star, w/e happens with trans rights that's something the bad guys can never take away from me
finding smiles that weren’t there before
went to take out my garbage and a guy started singing 'beautiful girl' at me